El Pack Makari Extreme Carrot & Argan te permite disfrutar de todos los porductos de esta gama para un perfecto cuidado de la piel
a powerful lifting effect from the first use double effect: moisturising and filler effect, and lifting effect the skin is well hydrated and lifted the serum is very light, easily absorbed with a non-greasy finish for mature skin
Cuide la piel desde dentro con Dermal Grandeur MSM, un suplemento de belleza natural que ayuda a reafirmar la piel y la apariencia del envejecimiento.
Cantidad:1pc; Suministros de Limpieza:Esponja y Estropajo; Material:Telas no tejidas; Características:Vida; Dimensiones netas:4040; Día listado:03/04/2020; País popular:Canadá
Carmex Strawberry Moisturising Lip BalmCarmex Strawberry Moisturising Lip Balm helps to soothe, moisturise and relieve dry, chapped lips while exciting the senses with its delightful oriental scent. The unique formula contains the natural moisturisers cocoa butter and lanolin, which along with other emollients restore lost moisture and prevent dryness and chapping for irresistibly soft, healthy looking lips. It also contains camphor and menthol for a cooling, soothing effect that helps relieve the irritation of rough, chapped lips.Carmex Strawberry Moisturising Lip Balm can be used before and after lipstick application to preserve and restore moisture, help lipstick go on smoother and keep your lips looking soft and smooth.Carmex Strawberry Moisturising Lip Balm has SPF 15 to protect your lips against the damaging effects of the sun.Once the best-kept secret of models, celebrities and make-up artists, Carmex is now one of the world's most loved lip balms with over 130 sold every minuteCarmex is not tested on animals.
L Eau florale de Camomille 200ml Avril pour un effet coup de frais le matin ou apres le demaquillage. La peau du visage est mise a rude epreuve au quotidien, notamment avec la pollution et la fatigue, qui peuvent provoquer de la secheresse, des cernes ou un teint brouille. L eau florale de camomille 200ml d Avril beaute permet de rafraichir votre peau pour un reveil tonique, et de parfaire votre demaquillage tout en profitant de son parfum doux et apaisant. Ideale pour les peaux sensibles, elle peut apaiser les irritations et les rougeurs de la peau grace a sa richesse en actifs aux proprietes antiseptiques, et s avere utile lors de problemes plus importants tels que l eczema ou le psoriasis. Les cheveux clairs peuvent egalement beneficier des proprietes de l eau florale de camomille 200ml d Avril beaute. En dernier rincage apres le shampooing, la camomille ravive en effet les reflets blonds.