These 23 gauge mini pins are headless fine wire pins that are indispensible for fine molding and trim work. As the pins are completely headless , the wood closes over them after driving eliminating the need for time consuming fillingThey are also excellent for temporary tacking whilst glue dries, as they can be removed with little damage to the work.For use with the Bostitch headless pinner.Length 12 SKU 1061200SE Finish STANOX (Copperwash)Description Mini Pin 12mm Stanox 20m Qty per box 20000 Suits: TU216-2330 Tacker
6 Zauberfolien "Nostalgie-Musik" in 3 verschiedenen Designs, jede Folien-Hülle ca. 7,5 cm hoch, extrastark, passend für Kugeln und andere Gegenstände mit 8 cm Durchmesser.
Aqua 63 style strip is fitted into the window frame aperture using four cut lengths. It is important to create tight butt or notched joints to ensure high levels of window performance. Joints can be enhanced by the application of a small amount of silicone mastic. When fitted, it is necessary to notch the seal end. Returns to original shape after compression. Stretching and shrink back at corners avoided. Suitable for all main timber Low compression force helps ease window and door operation. Maintains weathering characteristics and resists compression set over a wide temperature range +70° C to - 30° C. Research has proved that AquamacTM Weatherseal gives high levels of sound reduction. Unaffected by paint stains, window and door types.Aqua 21 style strip is a seal which is fitted into the frame rebate (head and jambs) as three cut pieces forming a compresion or wiping seal. Size. 25 metre Length. (approx)Colour. White.
10 Grußkarten "Wien" mit edle Prägung, B6 (16,5 cm x 11,5 cm), 240 g/m², 5 verschiedene Pastelltöne (2x lachs, 2x hellgrün, 2x hellblau, 2x rosa, 2x creme), Innenseite weiß, inkl. passender weißer Umschläge (120 g/m²). Gestalten Sie leicht und sicher wunderschöne Grußkarten! Kombinieren Sie die Karten mit den passenden Grußkarteneinlegern und verzieren Sie sie mit 3-D Motiven, Stickern, Bordüre...
Eine praktische Tasche Claudia aus Canvas, ca 32 cm x 37 cm, mit Reißverschluss und Innentasche (ca.15 cm x 13,5 cm), natur. Die Tasche Claudia hat zwei Henkel (ca. 51 cm lang, ca. 2,5 cm breit) zum bequemen Tragen über der Schulter und zusätzlich 2 Tragehenkel (ca. 16 cm lang, ca. 1,4 cm breit) zum Tragen in der Hand. Gestalten Sie die Tasche individuell zum Beispiel mit Textilfarben, Pailette...
Soporte de pie para trípode de música plegable con bolsa de transporte resistente al agua para violín