Current Museum Exhibitions
Our Senses: An Immersive Experience: November 20, 2017–January 6, 2019
We get to know our world through some or all of our senses—sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste—but they’re just parts of a much larger puzzle. The highly experiential exhibition Our Senses delves into how our brains work with sensory organs to shape our perceptions and reveals how, until recently in our evolutionary history, humans have been oblivious to nature’s other crucial signals, including UV light, infrared sounds, and electrical fields.
Unseen Oceans: March 12, 2018–January 6, 2019
Oceans explores our blue planet’s defining feature—the world ocean—as revealed through 21st-century technology. Visitors to the exhibition will meet the elusive giants of the sea, including whales, sharks, giant squid; sink beneath the waves in a virtual submersible theater; and marvel at the vivid fluorescence displayed by marine creatures but invisible to us . . . until now. And they’ll leave with a deeper awareness that the future of the planet depends on the future of the ocean.
The Butterfly Conservatory (October 7th, 2017 - May 29th, 2019)
This exhibition, an annual favorite, features up to 500 live, free-flying tropical butterflies from the Americas, Africa, and Asia. The butterflies are housed in a vivarium that approximates their natural habitat, includes live flowering plants that serve as nectar sources, and features controlled artificial light, temperature, and humidity.
T. rex: The Ultimate Predator: (March 11, 2019 - June 16th, 2019)
This exhibition will focus on the on the genus of dinosaurs known as tyrannosaurs. The exhibition will explore how these mega-predators came to be, with an emphasis on the most famous and impressive member of the family, Tyrannosaurus rex.
Updated Climate Change Exhibit
Understand one of the most urgent scientific issues of our time. explore how climate change is affecting the world today as well as what might happen in the future if the current course continues.
Current Museum Films
Space Show – Hayden Planetarium
Dark Universe: narrated by Neil deGrasse Tyson, Director of the Hayden Planetarium
Celebrate the pivotal discoveries that have led us to greater knowledge of the structure and history of the universe and our place in it—and to new frontiers for exploration.
Giant Screen Films – 3D & 2D showings
Backyard Wilderness: now through June 30, 2019
Audiences enter a wild world of breathtaking beauty and captivating animals, including an array of nature’s master of mimicry.
Wollman Ice Rink Inclusions
Guaranteed admission to Wollman Rink Central Park
Skate rental
Hotel pickup and drop-off
Locker rentals
Food and drinks
Additional info
Confirmation will be received at time of booking
Paper voucher must be exchanged for admission ticket.
Lockers are available for rent
Additional equipment such as ice walkers, helmets, pads, etc. are not available at the the rink
Skating times may be cancelled due to inclement weather. In this event, tickets may be redeemed on a different day. Contact 365 Tickets USA for details
Ice Resurfacing Times
Subject to change based on ice conditions.
11:30, 2:30, 5:30
11:30, 2:30, 5:30
11:30, 2:30, 6:00, 8:00
11:30, 2:30, 6:00, 8:00
11:30, 2:30, 6:00, 8:00, 9:30
11:30, 1:30, 3:30, 5:30,
7:30, 9:30
11:30, 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30
En 1762, John Montagu, el cuarto Conde de Sandwich, tenía las manos llenas, literalmente. Como Primer lord del Mar, comando la poderosa marina Británica, fue un destacado explorador, y también un jugador con una gran afición por los juegos de cartas. Todo esto le dejaba con poco tiempo para comer, así que se le ocurrió la ingeniosa idea (algunos dicen que en la mesa de juego) de poner carne entre dos rebanadas de pan. A partir de entonces, no importaba si estaba luchando en una gran batalla naval, o poniendo sobre el tapete una escalera real, ya que podía comer una fantástica comida sin mucho esfuerzo. Así en 1762, el Sándwich fue llamado como su inventor, John Montagu, el cuarto Conde de Sándwich. Ahora, 250 años después, el onceavo Conde y la familia Sándwich siguen apasionados por la comida rápida más conocida en el mundo y que lleva su nombre EL MEJOR SÁNDWICH CALIENTE DE TODO EL MUNDO® Los sándwiches calientes están en el corazón del menú. Su carne está recién cortada y asada al momento. Todos los sándwiches calientes se hacen por encargo, usando ingredientes frescos de gran cualidad, y servidos en su propio pan horneado artesanal untado con salsas únicas. Menú Full Monthy Sándwich o ensalada de la casa + Bolsa de patatas + Refresco o botella de agua de 50 cl + Pieza de fruta o Brownie de chocolate Menú Explorer Sándwich o ensalada de la casa + Bolsa de patatas + Refresco o botella de agua de 50 cl Menú Infantil: Sándwich (jamón y queso) o Pizza o Pasta (pollo, mozarela) o Hot-dog + Refresco + Postre (poste de chocolate o macedonia)
Historic setting: The Household Cavalry Museum sits within Horse Guards in Whitehall, central London, one of the city’s most historic buildings. Dating from 1750, it is still the headquarters of the Household Division, in which the Household Cavalry has performed the Queen’s Life Guard in a daily ceremony that has remained broadly unchanged for over 350 years. The Household Cavalry: The Household Cavalry was formed in 1661 under the direct order of King Charles II and now consists of the two senior regiments of the British Army – The Life Guards and the Blues and Royals. We have two roles: as a mounted regiment (on horseback), we guard Her Majesty The Queen on ceremonial occasions in London and across the UK and are a key part of the Royal pageantry; as an operational regiment we serve around the world in armoured fighting vehicles. We currently have units deployed on active service in Iraq and Afghanistan. Our fighting capacity is matched by our strategic role in international peace keeping and humanitarian operations. Collections: Over the centuries we have amassed an outstanding collection of rare and unique treasures from ceremonial uniforms, royal standards and gallantry awards to musical instruments, horse furniture and silverware by Fabergé. Each exhibit has its own compelling story to tell and many are on display for the very first time. You can see two silver kettledrums given to the regiment in 1831 by William IV; the pistol ball that wounded Sir Robert Hill at Waterloo and the cork leg which belonged to the first Marquess of Anglesy, who, as the Earl of Uxbridge, lost his real one at Waterloo. Modern additions to the collection include Jacky Charlton’s football cap – he did his national service with the regiment and Sefton’s bridle – the horse that was injured in the 1982 Hyde Park bombings. Much of the collection has resulted from the close association that has existed between the Household Cavalry and Royalty. We have, after all, protected successive kings and queens from rebels, rioters and assassins for nearly 350 years. Working Stable Block: Visitors can gain a unique behind-the-scenes look at our working stable block. All the horses here are on duty and at different times of the day you will see something going on - you might see the horses being brought in, groomed, fed and watered, their hooves oiled and shoes checked, their saddles adjusted ready to go on guard or just see the stables themselves being cleaned. Both our horses and riders go through a rigorous and demanding training. In the Museum's many interactive and multimedia presentations, you will hear first hand accounts of what this training is like and the techniques our soldiers use to master their horses and complete the gruelling preparations for regimental inspections.
L’Aquàrium de Barcelona es el acuario mediterráneo más grande del mundo, una visita obligatoria para quien se encuentre en esta fantástica ciudad. La emoción está garantizada tanto para jóvenes como para adultos mientras exploran el acuario libremente. Especialmente mientras caminan debajo del agua a través del túnel de 80 metros que les permitirá ver los tiburones nadando sobre sus cabezas al alzar la mirada. Podrán ver 11.000 ejemplares de 450 especies de todo el mundo. El espectacular Oceanario es único en toda Europa, siendo la instalación más grande y con más variedad de especies de todo el acuario. Con un diámetro de 36 metros y 5 metros de profundidad, contiene 4.500 metros cúbicos de agua y una gran diversidad de especies. Incluyendo: doradas, morenas, peces luna, rayas y dos clases de tiburones: el tiburón toro y el jaquetón de Milberto, las verdaderas estrellas de L'Aquarium! No se pierda la exposición de medusas, pero también se pueden maravillar con los pingüinos o echar un vistazo a los réptiles y anfibios en el Río Tropical. Hay tanto que hacer que los niños estarán entretenidos toda la visita y usted podrá disfrutar de maravillosas grabaciones con algunos de los peces más hermosos del mundo. En Explora, los niños tienen su propia área para jugar y explorar. Hay cafetería de autoservicio donde podrá disfrutar de una bebida, aperitivos o comidas y también hay tienda de regalos donde podrá comprar un recuerdo para llevárselo a casa con usted.
Michael Jackson is ready to take Las Vegas by storm during the incredible MJ Live show at the Stratosphere.
Die sind verrückt, diese Gallier ! Gelächter, gute Laune, gemeinsame Momente mit Familie und Freunden… 2019 können Sie im Parc Astérix sensationelle Erlebnisse genießen. Der Parc Astérix ist ein atemberaubendes Abenteuer mit 7 großen Fahrgeschäften, 20 Attraktionen für die ganze Familie und 13 Attraktionen für die kleinen Gallier, darunter der Wald von Idéfix. © 2015 Les éditions Albert René / Goscinny-Uderzo