The beautiful landscape of the Montserrat mountains isn't far from Barcelona. Breath taking views await you when you take a ride on the rack railway.
Once you've arrived, you'll be able to enjoy a full guided tour which will take you to the Benedictine Monastery and the statue of the Virgin of Montserrat, popularly known as the Moreneta, or Black Madonna. During your visit you'll be serenaded by the magical voices of the world-renowned boys' choir, the Escolania de Montserrat.
Dolphin Lagoon ™
Das Delfinschwimm-Erlebnis ist das Herzstück Ihres Besuchs.In der Lagune können die Besucher mit Delfinen schwimmen. Sie ist von Sandstränden und tropischer Vegetation umgeben. Nach einer Einführung über die Meeressäuger im flachen Teil der Lagune, können die Teilnehmer in Kleingruppen (nicht mehr als Personen) mit den Delfinen schwimmen und spielen und sich von der Kraft und der Anmut dieser einzigartigen Tiere verzaubern lassen.
Kinder müssen mindestens 6 Jahre alt sein, um mit Delfinen zu schwimmen. Kinder im Alter von 6-12 Jahren müssen von einem zahlenden Erwachsenen begleitet werden, der ebenfalls am Delfinschwimmen teilnimmt
Das Grand Reef®
Ein Hektar großes Areal mit rund 10.000 Meerestieren - darunter 125 verschiedene Arten von Fischen wie Rochen, Muränen und Haien. Die Gäste können dort am weißen Sandstrand liegen, im flachen Wasser waten, im tieferen Wasser schwimmen oder inmitten der tropischen Fische schnorcheln.
Explorer's Voliere
Das rund 76 Meter lange und bis zu elf Meter hohe Vogelhaus stellt einen natürlichen Lebensraum für etwa 30 Arten tropischer Vögel dar. In drei Bereichen können Sie die Vögel sogar füttern und berühren!
Das Gewässer schlängelt sich durch fast den ganzen Park, vorbei an Stränden, baumgesäumten Wegen und Lagunen. Wer durch den Fluss schwimmt, trifft auf verschiedene Landschaften: den Strand einer sonnigen Insel, dichten tropischen Regenwald, einen Fluss, der an den Amazonas erinnert, ein tropisches Fischerdorf und eine Unterwasserhöhle. Wer durch den Wasserfall taucht, kommt in ein riesiges Vogelhaus, das etwa 300 farbenprächtige Tiere aus aller Welt beherbergt.
Schneeweiße Strände gesäumt von Palmen, tropischer Vegetation und strohbedeckten Hütten. Jeder Gast findet sein privates Plätzchen auf dem weißen Sand, unter einem Schatten spendenden Sonnenschirm, in einer Hängematte oder auf einem Liegestuhl.
Welcome Aboard - You’re in for a special evening from the moment you are escorted to your candlelit table. Many tables are designed for cruise style seating with other guests, reminiscent of ocean-going cruises. Order drinks, then feel free to explore the ship while the crew casts off for three fabulous hours.
Bon Appétit - Your waiter will invite you to the Grande Dinner Buffet. Everything is freshly-prepared. Take as little or as much as you like.
Oh, Beautiful - Savor your culinary selections over perfectly-paced dinner music and a never-ending view of Washington DC.
Stroll Under The Stars - Take your drinks topside and relax on the largest outdoor deck in the city.
Rock The Boat - Spirit’s dinner cruises spotlight some of the hottest DJs in the city. For nearly two hours, the DJ will spin your favorite top 40 hits from various genres and styles and let you rock ‘til you dock - literally. The perfect end to the perfect night.
2015 Dinner Menu
The Salad
Served with freshly baked bread and whipped and seasonal flavored butter.
Spirit Salad
Mixed greens tossed with cranberries, chili
The price can vary according to visit date and time selected.
The climb departs from morning to late afternoon (after “dawn” and before “twilight”), exposing the hum and buzz of the city in full swing.
5 Things you need to know before your climb
Health & Safety
Your health and safety is important: If you are pregnant or have any pre-existing health conditions you may need to provide a doctor’s Certificate of Fitness note before you climb. You must have a blood-alcohol reading below 0.05 to climb (the same as if you are driving). You will be asked to complete a BridgeClimb Declaration Form before your Climb. Please be honest about your health so we can ensure your wellbeing is not at risk. All discussions will be confidential.
How should you prepare for your Climb: Ensure that you have eaten before your Climb and you’re well-hydrated – the experience can last up to 3 ½ hours. Wear comfortable, enclosed rubber-soled shoes such as running, sport or hiking shoes and don’t forget your sunglasses. It is recommend to wear comfortable clothing. You will be equipped with everything else you need for your Climb! Ensure you arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled Climb time to allow enough time to check in.
Personal Belongings
All your personal belongings can be stored in lockers, including cameras: there are FREE secure lockers for you to keep your personal belongings in, including phones, cameras and GoPros. The Climb Leaders will capture photos of you during your Climb. For safety and security reasons, cameras, video technology and mobile devices are prohibited on the Climb.
You must be 8 years old and 1.2 metres in height, or taller: Children aged 8 to 15 must be accompanied by and are the responsibility of an adult, with a maximum of three children per adult.
Weather Conditions
Climbs operate in all weather conditions: You will equipped with all the gear you need to keep you dry, but remember to bring your own shoes, which should be enclosed, like running shoes. In case of extreme weather conditions like electrical storms or during times of extremely high wind, Climbs may be postponed.
Please note: The River Ouse in York can occasionally rise to levels that can have an impact on this cruise's daily operations after periods of heavy rainfall in the catchment area upstream. The local operators will always attempt to sail for as long as it is safe to do so. There can come a point where their smallest boat can no longer fit underneath the bridges. Depending on the height of the river, they may not be able to sail at all. In this instance, you will either be eligible for a full refund or your ticket(s) will happily accepted on another date during your stay if sailing is possible.