La Torre de Londres La Torre de Londres ha sido una parte integral de la historia real británica durante casi 1.000 años y está clasificado como Patrimonio de la Humanidad. Sólo en la Torre puede admirar las impresionantes joyas de la corona, ponerse en el lugar de la ejecución de tres Inglés Queens y escuchar los mitos y leyendas que hacen la visita a la torre inolvidable. Abadía de Westminster Construcción de gloriosa arquitectura gótica digna de ser contemplada. Su increíble vidriera es una de las cosas más impresionantes de Reino Unido. Silla de coronación creada por el rey Eduardo I en 1296, el presidente ha sido el asiento de la coronación de cada monarca desde 1308, incluyendo a la Reina. La Esquina literaria de la abadía Se llama así debido a la gran cantidad de poetas y escritores, entre los que se encontraba Geoffrey Chaucer, Charles Dickens, Rudyard Kipling y Thomas Hardy, así como muchas piedras y bustos memorial dedicado a la talla de Shakespeare y amado poeta escocés Robert Burns. Reyes y Reinas Abadía de Westminster ha sido la iglesia de coronación desde 1066 y diecisiete monarcas están enterrados allí.
Packed with ever-changing experiences of the Pacific Coast and Vancouver Island, this tour is a must-do for
those who have not yet visited Victoria.
Highlights & Inclusions:
BC Ferries Fees: Scenic 1.5-hour cruise through the Gulf Islands and Active Pass
Victoria City Tour: Government Street, Chinatown, Inner Harbour
Butchart Gardens Admission: Magnificent series of themed gardens
Ample Leisure Time: Enjoy Victoria’s rich architecture, enchanting ocean views, and artisan cafes
Disneyland® Park In a Magical Kingdom not so far away - somewhere between a place where you wish upon a star and dreams come true - classic Disney heroes and heroines live once upon a time in fairytales that are, happily, never ending. 5 magical lands, endless fun, pick one that's for you... or pick them all! Experience your favourite Disney® Lands just as you remember them in classic Disney stories where fairytales really do come true. Endless attractions and thrills that come in all sizes and shapes. There are big thrills such as Space Mountain Mission 2 that takes you to the edge of the universe. For little ones, they can sail around the world with " it's a small world". Family fun can be found in every corner of the Park, from Pirates of the Caribbean to the Mad Hatter's Tea Cups. Meet Disney® Characters The Park where favourite Disney® Characters live and can't wait to meet you. Alongside Mickey and Minnie, say 'Howdy' to Goofy and 'Hello Honey' to Pooh. Get a hug, an autograph and a photo. Just say 'cheese.' It's party time! Every day's a party at Disneyland® Park. On top of all the wonderful attractions and characters, there are lots of spectacular family parade and shows to enjoy, all year round. Enjoy our wonderful shows and parades every day! Walt Disney Studios® Park Right next door to Disneyland® Park, discover the magical world of cinema and television at Walt Disney Studios Park - 4 cinemagical 'lots', featuring thrilling attractions and spectacular shows with your dreams centre-stage. Explore the scenes on 4 studio lots. Where your "screendreams" come true! It's showbiz, folks! Make your big screen debut at Production Courtyard, Toon Studio, Backlot and Front lot. It's a star studded itinerary, and you never know what star you'll bump into. Blockbuster preview attractions. You ought to be in pictures! It's your day to be discovered while exploring all there is to see at Disney® Studios - The Studio Tram Tour: Behind the Magic, Disney Cinema Parade, Animagique and 'lots' more... Walt Disney Studios® Park, where movie magic abounds. Get behind the scenes with our never seen before Parade and tours. Why not take in a spectacular Show or Parade to round off the day like the Studio Tram Tour: Behind the Magic or our Moteurs...Action! Stunt Show Spectacular? Then you'll know exactly what it's like to be a star.
An amazing experience in Santorini. A hike over-viewing the spectacular caldera, on the old path connecting the capital of Fira with the famous for its sunset village of Oia. Along the way you will stop at panoramic view points to enjoy the breathtaking lansdscape, pass by beautiful churches and take a light picnic break with local goods. Bring with you: A hat A bottle of water Sun screen Light summer clothes Comfortable walking shoes Includes: 4 hours hiking experience English speaking Guide Return transfer from your hotel Traditional picnic lunch Important: Before participating in any activities all parties are required to sign a declaration regarding their fitness and health. *** Please note that this tour is not suitable for children younger than 12 years old ***
The House of Illusion con Bebidas - Ahora un espectáculo todavía más grande en unas instalaciones, justo frente al mar, también más espaciosas. Un misterioso escenario para un excitante e increíble espectáculo que les tendrá absortos y dejará un gran recuerdo para toda la familia. Todos los Paquetes incluyen un fantástico espectáculo donde, una vez se hayan sentado, los camareros le proveerán de tanto vino, cerveza o refrescos como quieran, ¡sin siquiera levantar un dedo y aún menos sacar la cartera! Porque además de un espectáculo fantástico, cabe destacar la barra libre de vino, cerveza y refrescos. Para empezar la noche se le presentarán ante usted los mejores magos de proximidad de Europa que redondearán la primera mitad del espectáculo con un divertidísimo cómico. ¡Y eso es sólo el principio! Porque la emoción de verdad llega con la segunda mitad del espectáculo. El momento en el que se adentrará en el mentalismo, la lectura de mentes y la hipnosis. Y por supuesto el final llega con las ilusiones de primer nivel que de bien seguro les dejarán asombrados y encantados. Vivirá experiencias auténticamente fascinantes en una sola noche. Presencie la prueba de que se puede hacer posible lo imposible delante de sus ojos.
Situated in Maincy - France, discover the famous Vaux le Vicomte Castle, purchased in 1641 by Nicolas Fouquet. Fouquet transformed the estate into a masterpiece whose château and gardens still feature among the most beautiful in France to this day. A work combined from the architect Louis Le Vau, the painter Charles Le Brun and the landscape gardener André Le Notre which resulted in an unparalleled harmony and beauty. Sadly, victim of a plot by jealous courtiers, Fouquet was arrested on the King Louis XIV’s orders and sentenced to life imprisonment in 1661. Vaux-le-Vicomte was therefore closed down, and its treasures seized – tapestries, furniture, paintings, books and rugs… even the orange trees were removed by the King. It took Madame Fouquet ten years to recover the estate, to which she later retired with her eldest son. Take a stroll in the marvellous gardens and walk among the amazing halls of this simply beautiful Castle - Vaux Le Vicomte. Highlights : Tour of Vaux Le Vicomte Discover Vaux Le Vicomte's history Walk among beautiful french architecture Stroll through the marvellous gardens of the Castle Grounds Go down in the undergrounds of the Castle Observe the treasures and art work held in the grand rooms and halls