Relaxation in a cup! This tea box contains a combination of 3 different tea varieties that offer you a peaceful moment with every cup. Contents: 5 EnerGinger tea bags: organic herbal tea with ginger 5 Detoxania tea bags: green tea with fruits, herbs and a spicy flavour 5 Kung Flu Fighter tea bags: fruit tea with ginger and herbs and orange and peppermint flavours Ingredients: EnerGinger: Lemongrass *, ginger *, rosemary *, lemon verbena * Detoxania: green tea *, apple *, fennel *, rosehip peels *, turmeric *, white hibiscus *, lavender *, ginger *, juniper berry *, black pepper *, rose petals *, natural flavor Kung Flu Fighter: apple pieces *, ginger *, orange peel *, peppermint *, sage leaves *, eucalyptus *, elderflower *, flavors. * from certified organic agriculture
This is SEA WOLF Ni80 Four-Core Claptin Coil Wire, the Wire length is 5 meters Name: Resistance Wire Coil AWG 4*26G+36G Diameter 4*0.4mm/0.12mm Lenght 5m
Arome chaud et delicatement boise : saveur piquante et legerement caustique. Il est cultive en Asie tropicale depuis plus de 3000 ans, le gingembre fut l une des premieres epices a atteindre les regions mediterraneennes. Conseils d utilisation : Boissons, salades de fruits, confiseries, patisseries, sauces, etc Aperitif, stomachique, tonique Marque : Cook Certifie AB
mmmm delicious! As soon as you enter Aunt Trudl's house you can smell the mouthwatering aroma of apples and cinnamon! LEt the scents of her apple strudel wash over you with this delicious tea. The comforting fruit tea blend allows you to experience these scents and flavours every day! The gorgeous, fruity and sweet scent of cinnamon and apples determines the flavor of the tea. It's just like drinking a homemade apple strudel.
Verwöhnen Sie sich mit diesem Franz Keller Oberbergener Bassgeige Grauburgunder QbA trocken aus unserem Sortiment. Die Gutsabfüllung aus der deutschen Traditionskellerei zeigt ein kräftiges Fruchtaroma mit mineralischen Noten. Der zarte Duft von...
Dunkle rubinrote Farbe. Der Barolo Chinato hat eine ausgeprägt runde, samtige Charakteristik mit schönen bitter-süssen Aromen im Geschmack. Der Duft ist äusserst komplex mit Aromen von Zimt, Nelke, Muskatnuss sowie wilde Kräuter.