Four slots can charge one to four batteries simultaneously. Using LCD screen with MVA technology to display real-time information on charging status. Display the current charge status with a perfect 160-degree visual angle. Can charge the external devices via the integrated USB port. Multifunctional charger, can diagnose and identify bad batteries, protect against overcharging, improper installation, short-circuit. Intelligent charging mode detects battery type and capacity, then select the appropriate charging current based on the battery type. Coordinate with PID system to automatically control the temperature within a safety limit. Energy saving when there is no operation in 3 minutes, the screen will dim to save energy automatically. Constructed from high-quality flame retardant and fire resistant PC materials and featuring intelligent temperature monitoring. Note: Batteries are for demonstration only, Not included! Brand: Nitecore Model Q4 Power Standard EU Plug Input DC 12V, 2000mA, 24W Output 4.2V
Unglaublich vielzählige Aromen von schwarzen Johannisbeeren, Tabakblättern, Kaffeebohnen, einem feinem Gewürzpotpour, das an Weihnachtsgebäcks erinnert, und erdigen Anklängen. Passt zu: Wild, gegrillten Fleisch und kräftigen Sonntagsbraten.
This is SEA WOLF A1 Staggered Fused Clapton Heating Wire 28GA*2+32GA. Name: Resistance Wire Coil AWG 28GA*2+32GA Length 3M (10 Feet)
La nouvelle Tisane Be Cube Detox bio 24 sachets 60gr recharge carton Provence d Antan est un melange choisi de plantes bio et de fruits bio pour effectuer une infusion efficace et delicieuse. Les plus de la composition de cette tisane be cube detox bio Provence d antan : Le pissenlit stimule la digestion et detoxifie l organisme. L ortie favorise le drainage et le bon fonctionnement du systeme urinaire. Le fenouil aide a la digestion et a l elimination, il contribue aux fonctions de detoxification de l organisme. L artichaut contribue a drainer et a detoxifier. Le citron apporte une saveur agreable a cette tisane. Ingredients / INCI : Pissenlit bio 15%, Ortie bio 15%, Fenouil bio 15%, Reglisse bio 15%, Pensee sauvage bio 10%, Extrait de citron bio 10%, Frene bio 5%, Mauve bio 5%, Ecorce de Citron bio 5%, Artichaut bio 2%, Bardane bio 2%, Radis noir bio 1%. Precautions d utilisation : Contient de la reglisse.
Es gibt wenige Weine, die weltweites Renommee besitzen, der Sena gehört zweifelsohne dazu. Jedes Jahr wieder schafft es Chief Winemaker Francisco Baettig einen wunderbar komplexen Wein zu kreieren. Der Jahrgang 2013 zeigt super intensive Aromen von...
Paul Mas Rotweine edel verpackt. Diese hochwertige Holzkiste mit Schiebedeckel beinhaltet je eine Flasche Paul Mas Vignes de Nicole Cabernet/Merlot und Paul Mas Vignes de Nicole Cabernet/Syrah. Paul Mas Vignes de Nicole Cabernet/Merlot: In der Nase ist...