Declarado Monumento Nacional en 1917, el enorme ejemplar de drago que encontramos en Icod de los Vinos mide 18 metros y su perímetro alcanza los 20 metros en la base del tronco. En su parque adyacente inaugurado en 1996 se exhiben distintas especies vegetales endémicas de la isla como cardones, tabaibas, palmeras o tilos. Situada en las faldas del Teide, La Orotava ocupa buena parte del valle de mismo nombre en el norte de la isla. Gran parte del Parque Nacional del Teide –,montaña y sitio de culto aborigen–, pertenece a su municipio, lo que lo convierte en el de mayor altitud de España. Entre los lugares de interés que se pueden visitar en esta ciudad destacan la Iglesia de la Concepción (declarada Monumento Nacional), La Casa de los Balcones –,vivienda típica canaria del siglo XVII–, o el Liceo de Taoro. Candelaria es la sede de la Virgen de Candelaria, patrona de Canarias, distinguido lugar sagrado y de peregrinaje del país situado al sureste de la isla. Sus fiestas patronales tienen lugar el 15 de agosto y se desarrollan en torno a la Basílica de Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria (1959), Bien de Interés Cultural y uno de los principales templos del archipiélago. Junto a la basílica, la Plaza de la Patrona de Canarias alberga las estatuas de bronce de los nueve menceyes que gobernaron los nueve menceyatos o reinos prehistóricos guanches de Tenerife justo antes de la conquista. Edad de los niños: de 2 a 11 años. Menores de 2 años se considera bebé y son gratuitos.
El precio de la entrada no incluye las propinas para los guías y los conductores.
Make your own way to the castle in the village of Aldea Blanca, just before San Miguel. Once at the castle you will be given a coloured bib to show where you will be seated and which knight you will be supporting during the show. Your meal will be served in your area but don't expect cutlery after all you are in Mediaeval times! So you can slurp your soup and eat your food with your fingers, but it fits in with your environment and you get quite used to it. You cheer on your knight as they joust and take part in battles. The well trained horses are the stars of the show and while this is going on the red and white wine and water flow freely. The show, food and drinks are all included in your ticket price and with children half price it is good value. Let yourself go and be part of a fun filled evening. A fantastic KNIGHT to remember! When the show is finished you are moved into another room where you can dance to the sound of a band. There is a bar in this room where you can buy drinks if you are still thirsty after all that wine. The castle closes around midnight after a great night's entertainment. After your own dancing you are treated to a Flamenco Show which finishes the night off perfectly, then make your way home after a great knight out!
After a comfortable air conditioned tour where you will learn about the history of Mont Roig, you will be taken to a local stables. From here you can continue to explore the countryside on horseback on a relaxing ride with helmets provided. Then you will be driven back to your hotel and you will be given a gift of a bottle of wine after an interesting and fun 3 totally private tour.
A Shorter Day Tour visiting Rosslyn Chapel, Scott’s View & Melrose Abbey. Departing at 09.30 your tour takes you south to the world famous Scott’s View, with stunning views over the Tweed Valley and the Eildon Hills. You will also get the opportunity to visit the original Wallace Monument. From here you travel to Melrose with the opportunity to explore its great Border Abbey, founded by the Cistercians in the 12th Century. The Cistercian monks had very close connections with the Knights Templar and Melrose Abbey is the burial place of Robert the Bruce's heart, brought back from the crusades in Moorish Spain. Following lunch in Melrose you will make your way to the stunning 15th century Rosslyn Chapel, immortalised in Dan Brown’s “Da Vinci Code” and you can find out more about the myths and legends surrounding the whereabouts of the “Holy Grail”
Highlights Enjoy unlimited access to the Snow Park. Avail one ride each on the Mountain Thriller & Chairlift and multiple rides on the Giant Snowball/Zorb Ride, Snow Bumpers, and tubing runs, tobbagan runs, down the slopes. Watch the March of the Penguins that happens multiple times a day Enjoy free rental of all winter wear necessary within the park. Get 20% off on Food and beverages at North 28 Cafe. Collect your meal vouchers at Ski Dubai. Inclusions All-day access pass to Ski Dubai Snow Park, including the Snowball Gallery, the Snow Cavern and the Observation Tower. Single rides on the Mountain Thriller and the Chairlift. Unlimited rides on the Giant Snowball/ Zorb, tubing runs, toboggan runs, and snow bumpers. March of the Penguins through the Snow Park. Free rental of Winter Attire: Thermal jacket, pants, boots, socks and fleece gloves, as well as helmets for children under the age of 13. Exclusions Snow Bullet Ride Skiing/Snowboarding Sessions or Lessons. Encounter with Penguins Access to Ski Area 20 AED Key Card Deposit