Vandy Vape Pulse BF Squonk Box Mod is innovative squonk mod and designed by Tony Brittan from Vapor Trail Channel. Compatible with 18650 and the new 20700 batteries, maximum current can up to 40A. Features an intelligent fire button and 8ml food grade silicone bottle, easy to squeeze. Also adopts magnetic structure design, easy to replace panels. Pulse BF Mod offer you wonderful vaping expereince. Nylon + ABS Material - High temperature resistant Unregulated squonk box mod Copper contacts (No wires) Compatible with 18650 and the new 20700 batteries (Sold Separately) Two access points on the back for easy removal of battery and bottle 8ml food grade silicone bottle with a stainless steel cap easy to squeeze Magnetic structure design, easy to replace panels. Spring Loaded 510 Threading Brand: Vandy Vape Max Currect 40A Capacity 8ml Battery 18650 / 20700 (Sold Separately) Size 77 x 50 x 27mm Gross Weight 170g
Nom scientifique de l espece : Avena Sativa L. En bref : L avoine est une cereale fortifiante, source de vitalite et d energie. Celle-ci rechauffe l organisme et donc est ideale en saisons ou regions froides. Le gruau d avoine est delicieux en cereale d accompagnement, en potees, soupes, galettes de cereales, gratins. Description et origine : Le gruau d avoine correspond au grain entier d avoine qui a ete uniquement debarrasse de son enveloppe. L origine et l evolution de l avoine restent indeterminees car il existe de nombreuses especes et sous-especes de plantes de la famille Avena que l on a retrouve dans les regions allant de l Asie Mineure au Turkmenistan en passant par la Transcaucasie et l Iran. Sa culture s est ensuite repandue dans le reste du monde. Autrefois elle etait l aliment de base pour les peuples de l Europe du Nord, (Vikings, Germains, Ecossais, Irlandais).
Dieser reinsortige Grüner Veltliner aus dem Kamptal bietet in der Nase Aromen von Zitrusfrüchten und klassische weiße Pfeffer-Noten, die so typisch sind für diese Rebsorte. Am Gaumen ist der Bründlmayer Grüner Veltliner Liter saftig, aromatisch, weich...
Introducing the all new Aspire Revvo tank, a truly 'out of this world' design with an innovative, revolutionary, new type of coil, the ARC 'Aspire Radial Coil'. The 24mm tank comes in two sizes, the TPD compliant 2ml version and of course, the standard 3.6ml version. It has an adjustable top airflow construction and a special spring loaded filling tube. Whichever you choose (or are forced to choose if you're in a TPD compliant area), you'll be amazed by the innovation that Aspire has put into this fantastic new design.The Revvo tank comes in three colors, Stainless Steel, Chrome, BlackNo one has yet produced such an innovative replaceable coil for an tank until now, except of course, Aspire. The fantastic all new coil design, the ARC, 'Aspire Radial Coil', sits horizontally in the tank similar to a 'stove-top' design. Of course the real trick in the design is the increased surface area of the coil for great flavor and great vapor production rated at 0.10-0.16ohm using Kanthal AF wire.F...
Bourbon La Chapelle ist ein Wein des bekannten Gutes Château Castera ganz im Norden der Halbinsel Médoc, gelegen in der Appellation Médoc. Hier verwirklichten die beiden Deutschen Carl E. Press und Dieter Tondera 1986 ihren Traum vom eigenen Château...
This is E-XY NI80 (Nichrome 80) Double-Core Fused Clapton Coil High Density Heating Wire For RDA RTA Atomizer Heating Wire DIY Building, the length is 15 Feet (5 Meters), 5M/Roll. Model: Double-Core Fused Clapton Material: NI80 Gauge: 2*28GA+36GA Name: Resistance Wire