Sie können die Tiere bequem von einem Safari-Zug aus sehen, der regelmäßig durch den Park fährt. Zu den Tieren im Park gehören: Antilopen, Zebras, Paviane, Elefanten, Kamele und Esel, während Löwen und Tiger natürlich in kleineren Gehegen gehalten werden! Für Kinder gibt es eine kleine Kinderecke, in der sie einigen ihrer Lieblingstiere nahekommen und diese sogar streicheln können. Im Park gibt es außerdem Restaurants, Cafés und Spielplätze für die Pausen. Glückliche Eltern und die leuchtenden Augen von Kindern machen dies zu einem Erlebnis für Jung und Alt.
Hoetls available for pick-up (85 Different hotels in Brussels) Full List of Pick Up Locations Instructions for arranging pick-up will be included on your voucher.
Experience the Happy Happy Hour Comedy Show at the L.A. Comedy Club with tickets from
Explore a world so close and still so far away when you see the world debut of Body Worlds: Pulse at Discovery Times Square.
Debe reservar con al menos 24 horas de antelación. Para mayores de 12 años. Disponible para 4 personas como máximo.
A day of fun in the sun on the Gulf Coast of Mexico at Clearwater Beach Enjoy a relaxing day at the beach Clearwater Marine Aquarium - CMA is host to Atlantic bottlenose dolphins, sea turtles, river otters, stingrays, sharks and more. At CMA, you can find yourself with a dolphin, feeding a stingray, watching our world-famous dolphin shows or having your picture taken with a dolphin. Take a behind the scenes tours to see how our animal hospital works or visit our theatre to watch footage of our team recuing and treating injured marine animals. You won’t want to miss Winter the Dolphin, the world’s most famous dolphin, and star of Dolphin Tale, which was even filmed even at Clearwater Marine Aquarium. Winter lost her tail in a crab trap, but is now healthy and swimming freely with a prosthetic tail. Winter’s incredible story has also been seen on Oprah, NBC Today Show, ABC’s Good Morning America and others. Winter may have lost her tail but she will capture your heart.