Samtiger Spätburgunder mit fruchtig-würzigem Geschmack.
This is a bundle kit includes 5 x Eleaf EC 0.5ohm Coil Head and 5 x Eleaf EC 0.3ohm Coil Head. The price is better than you buy them seperately. You can see details of the 2 products below: 0.5ohm Eleaf EC Coil Head 0.3ohm Eleaf EC Coil Head Name: Coil Head
Coilology MTL 4 in 1 Kit Wire includes 6 x MTL Wire, 6 x MTL Clapton Wire, 6 x MTL Fused Clapton Wire and 6 x MTL Staple Wire, and all of them are made of SS316L with 2.5mm ID. Quantity: 24pcs/pack Diameter: 2.5mm Material: SS316L Wire Configuration and Resistance: 1. MTL Wire: 26GA, 0.6ohm 2. MTL Clapton Wire: 28/40, 0.92ohm 3. MTL Fused Clapton Wire: 2-30/40, 0.8ohm 4. MTL Staple Wire: 4-.1*.3/40, 0.68ohm Name: Pre-made Coil Wire Brand Mode Coilology Material SS316L Diameter 2.5mm Quantity 24pcs
DLUO : 06/18 Aux champignons de Paris. Aucun arome n est ajoute. Emballage pratique, facile et leger a transporter Ingredients: Eau, champignons de Paris 25%, legumes (pommes de terre, courgettes, oignons), huile de colza, sel, amidon de riz issus de l agriculture biologique Allergenes presents : Peut contenir des traces de lait, de celeri, de gluten, de crustaces, de poisson, de mollusques, de moutarde, d oelig;ufs, de soja et de fruits a coque CONSEILS D UTILISATION : Agitez avant d ouvrir. Preparation : dans une casserole, rechauffez a feu doux en melangeant regulierement sans faire bouillir. Avant ouverture, a conserver a temperature ambiante, dans un endroit sec. Apres ouverture : A conserver au refrigerateur et a consommer sous 48 heures Certifie AB
Tipo:Encendedor a Gas; Estilo:Moderno; Características:Recargable; Fuego:Fuego Simple; Material:Metal; Color:Blanco; Dimensiones (cm):6.8 x 4 x 1.3; Peso (kg):0.0536; Contenido del Paquete:1 Encendedor
Resistance: 1.4ohm, Weight: 20.4 G,Size: 12.5X112.9MM All-In-One Disposable Device, B-Core Heating Technology Air Draw Activated Device with Pre-Heat Capability, conact me for vip price! we are from the facotry ,we have been specializing in e cig more than 10 years Our products have passed CE, ROHS. Every product from our factory is under strict quality controlled before delivery to customers..syi