zartwürzig, duftig, rassig, harmonisch, feine StrukturÜber Winemaker De Wet Lategan schreibt Südafrikas bedeutendster Weinkritiker John Platter: „De Wet macht eine bewundernswerte Serie von preiswerten Weinen, die von Jahrgang zu Jahrgang noch besser...
Verschiedenste Rebsorten kommen beim Schnaitmann Simonroth Cuvée D QbA trocken zum Einsatz. Im Vordergrund stehen hier saftige Merlot-Trauben, die das Aroma dominieren. Zudem wird die Rebe Lemberger verarbeitet, die eigentlich eher ein Star in...
Celnat Ble Tendre a germer 500gr possede le nom scientifique de Triticum Sp. L. Il s agit d un ble tendre europeen qui est ideal a faire germer et pour en retirer toute la quintescence de la germination de cereales. Description et origine : Le ble est une plante annuelle appartenant a la famille des Graminacees et plus exactement au groupe des monocotyledones. En France, la production de ble est tres importante et il existe de nombreuses varietes cultivees. On distingue deux grandes varietes : les bles tendres. Ils se pretent particulierement a la mouture mais egalement a la germination. les bles durs, utilises pour la fabrication des pates alimentaires, du couscous ou du boulgour. La germination des graines modifie profondement leur composition et augmente leur valeur nutritionnelle.
Vegan and organic dark chocolate truffle with freshly brewed coffee. The name doesn't do this dark coffee truffle any justice. It does give a fix but the satisfaction is long lasting and not in any sense quick! 120g
Introducing Joyetech ATOPACK DOLPHIN starter kit. Featuring the most appealing and charming dolphin-like e-cigarette, the ATOPACK DOLPHIN is such a tiny and elegant device. The ergonomically designed pod mod is easy to grip and carry. The innovative JVIC system takes a horizontal approach in discovering the original flavor with a brilliant ceramic cradle. Meanwhile, you¡¯re able to fill the e-liquid conveniently without removing the coil head. The classy physical appearance and multiple color options, makes the Joyetech ATOPACK DOLPHIN a one of a kind starter kit. Newly added 1.2ohm head for MTL enthusiasts Innovative and exclusive JVIC system E-liquid filling with convenience Smooth air intake Dolphin-like appearance Eco-friendly, for health and environment Alternative capacity options,2ML / 6ML Available 2A QC supports & battery life indication Brand: Joyetech Power Direct Output (Max 50W) Cartridge Capacity 2ml (TPD Edition) Battery Capacity Built-in 2100mAh Resistance 0.25-1.2ohm Max Charging Current QC 2A Size 100 x 50 x 31mm