Hermits Trai is a steep, rocky path below the rim
Guests must be able to walk independently (no canes, walkers or wheelchairs)
Children must be a minimum of 7 years old
Tour may be seasonal depending on weather
The Compagnie des Bateaux-Mouches® makes a point of honour only to serve dishes prepared only from products selected each morning and cooked ready to serve. All the tables are situated next to the picture windows to allow everyone to enjoy Paris with all modern conveniences. All our boats have an open deck, which affords a magical, all-round view of the City of Light. Autumn/Winter menus Click to view the Prestige menu Click to view the Excellence menu Click here to view the Children's Menu
What is Included: Accommodation (Hanericka Farmstay - shared, double or single room) Meals as indicated - 1 x breakfast (Day 2) + 1 x dinner (Day 1) Park entrance fees Friendly & informative tour guide What a capital tour! This is simply the best way to travel between elegant Melbourne and vibrant Sydney (or in reverse), because you see so many iconic sights on the way. The Victorian Alps, the Great Dividing Range, vast forests and mighty rivers. Learn about some great Australian legends: Ned Kelly and the infamous bushrangers (outlaws) when you’re in Mansfield and the frenetic Australian gold rush of the 1850s around Beechworth. Ned Kelly stood trial for murder here, but the town is now equally famous for its abundant local produce. Stay overnight on a genuine working farm, talking with the family, learning about farm life, meeting the wildlife and farm animals. Then it’s on to the nation’s stately capital of Canberra, with its history, imposing Parliament House, museums, art galleries and memorials. Your tour ends in Sydney, then you can independently explore this fabulous city with its Opera House beside the sea. With small tour groups, there is plenty of time to get out and explore nature at its very best. You will enjoy the benefits of personalised and interactive with our experienced and well-trained tour guides * Please note Canberra - Sydney component is operated by contracted operator and drop off is at a central location in Sydney CDB.
Blarney Castle, built by the McCarthy clan over 600 years ago, still retains its old world charm with its towers, battlements and gated entrance built on a rocky outcrop. Kiss the Blarney stone, situated on the parapets of the castle, to gain the gift of eloquence - that is the ability to persuade people and being able to talk yourself out of trouble… Discovery Travel Channel lists kissing the Blarney Stone amongst its 99 things to do before you die! Rock close is a magical garden filled with enchanting druidic rock formations, water features and exotic plants. The grand Scottish baronial style Blarney House is reflects a bygone era of wealth and statesmanship. The Rock of Cashel is a multi-period monastic site, which was a fortress before it became the seat of the bishop of the diocese of Cashel, and venue where the historical Synod of Cashel was held. Visit the Great Cathedral, the Hall of Vicars Choral, Cormack's Chapel (with one of Ireland's best preserved Irish frescoes and Romanesque architecture) and a Round tower, all perched on a solid rock ringed by a curtain wall- most of it dating back from before the Cambro-Norman conquerors came to Ireland in the late 12th Century. Cahair Castle was once the stronghold of the powerful Butler family, the castle retains its impressive keep, tower and much of its original defensive structure. It is one of Ireland's largest and best preserved castles. It is situated on a rocky island on the River Suir. ITINERARY: 06:50 - Depart Dublin from Suffolk Street by the Molly Malone statue 09:00 - The Rock Of Cashel (1hr) 11:30 - Blarney Castle + lunch break (3hrs - lunch not included) 15:30 - Cahair Castle (1hr) 19:00 - Arrive Dublin.
Explore los sitios más famosos de San Francisco en un autobús con paradas de Big Bus. Siéntase y disfrute el paseo mientras cruza la ciudad en un autobús abierto de dos plantas y aprende acerca de la historia única de San Francisco. Puede escoger entre los comentarios grabados, disponibles en 10 idiomas, o los entretenidos comentarios en directo. Esta es la mejor manera de descubrir todo lo que San Francisco puede ofrecer. Este tour único por la ciudad tiene 20 paradas para que los visitantes pueden subir y bajar del autobús para visitar las atracciones y puntos de interés. Desde Fisherman's Wharf hasta el icónico Golden Gate Bridge, sumérjase en la diversidad de culturas de San Francisco, sus bonitos parques y la increíble arquitectura del lugar. Tours a Pie Paseo por Chinatown - Inicio en la Parada 6 todos los días de a las 10:00 y 14:00 h Camine a través de este barrio mundialmente famosos. Vea las magníficas puertas de Chinatown, el ajetreado mercado y la vibrante mezcla de historia y cultura moderna. Paseo por Northbeach - Inicio en la Parada 3 todos los días a las 16:00 h Este tour le llevará en un viaje por el ecléctico distrito de Little Italy. Desde Washington Square Park hasta la increíble Iglesia de St. Peter & St. Paul, este paseo le permitirá conocer el modo de estilo bohemio que ha inspirado a muchos de los artistas de San Francisco de generaciones pasadas. Paseo por Barbary Coast - Inicio en la Parada 4 todos los días a las 12:00 h Este tour le guiará a través de nueve manzanas de lo que se conocía como "El Refugio de lo bajo y vil". Oiga historias acerca del modesto inicio de San Francisco y de su crecimiento explosivo gracias a la Fiebre del Oro Californiana, así como el fin de Barbary Coast debido a la Ley de Abatimiento del Distrito Rojo. El paseo le llevará a través del actual Distrito Financiero y el Distrito Histórico de Jackson Square. Paseo por Fisherman's Wharf - Inicio en la Parada 1 todos los días a las 14:00 h El paseo por Fisherman's Wharf le llevará a las princiipales atracciones de la zona de Wharf, incluyendo la Ghirardelli Square, el Cannery y el Pier 39. Vea y aprenda un poco más acerca de las famosas comidas y restaturantes así como el historico Aquatic Park. Este tour le familiarizará con el papel que jugó el Wharf (muelle) en la historia de la ciudad - desde la Fiebre del Oro, las luchas laborales de los años 30 y llengado a la exploración psicodélica de 1960.
TERMS OF SALES : Tickets must imperatively be kept throughout their period of validity Spot checks can be performed on vehicles Lost or stolen tickets will not be replaced Tickets are not refundable Any resale or reuse ticket constitutes fraud and, as such, is subject to prosecution A place on the top floor can not be guaranteed The organizer can not guarantee the return of personal effects and luggage left behind or forgotten in vehicles, and it can not be held responsible for their failure to return The organizer reserves the right to cancel or modify certain tours without notice if the comfort or safety of travelers demanded it, and in case of strike or demonstration Prices, times and duration of the tour may change