Join us on a fun and relaxing Napa Valley Wine Tour on one of our luxury coaches. During our full day tour from San Francisco, you will visit renowned Napa Valley and Sonoma Wineries for tasting, learn about winemaking techniques, and shop for wines and souvenirs in local shops. Taste the finest wines of Napa Valley, have lunch and shop in Yountville, and enjoy the picturesque drive over the Golden Gate Bridge through fantastic Napa Wine Country on our wine country tour. Napa and Sonoma are world-famous for their fine wine and beautiful scenery. Learn about wine from our expert guides as you travel north to California’s Premiere wine country. You’ll learn the area’s history of wine making, from the early Spanish missionaries who brought grapevines from Europe to the Forty-Niners who served wines in their saloons. Then tour wineries and see how grapes are picked, crushed, blended and bottled; walk through beautiful vineyards with your tour guide and then taste the finished product. There will also be time for lunch at Historical Sonoma Square or Vintage 1870 in the heart of Napa. Once you reach the historic wine regions, you'll visit a mix of boutique and large-scale wineries, with approximately an hour of traveling between each. The tour includes stops at the following locations: Nicholson Ranch Winery (Sonoma); Madonna Estate, Mt. St. John (Napa); lunch in Yountville at V Marketplace (Yountville); Sutter Home (Napa).
What You'll See On Tour On Location Tours’ NYC TV & Movie Tour, will lead you to New York City’s best filming locations! On this guided sightseeing bus tour you will see over 40 NYC locations featured in your favorite TV shows and movies. So sit back and relax as your tour guide leads you through the most filmed city in the world. They will take you on a tour of the city’s most recognizable locations sharing with you some of the TV and film industry's best-kept secrets. Follow in the footsteps of your favorite characters when you hop off at different NYC locations throughout your tour. Times Square The experience begins in the heart of New York City, Times Square. See where Kimmy and Titus sing their hearts out in Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. Pass the famous steps where the cast of Glee sang a version of "I Love New York/New York, New York" in the Season 2 finale, and where Jamie introduced Dylan to the word “Flash Mob” in Friends with Benefits. Then pass the bar where Michael Keaton has his post performance drink in Birdman. Columbus Circle & Central Park South As you venture into Columbus Circle you’ll see famous buildings like The Time Warner Center and Trump International, home to some of the most expensive real estate in the country. Appearing in and movies like Tower Heist, Enchanted and Ghostbusters, Columbus Circle is a New York staple that cannot be missed. As you venture down Central Park South, you’ll get a glimpse of the locations that have set the stage in a number of the industry’s latest and greatest. See the most filmed building in the world, The Plaza Hotel, as seen in films such as American Hustle, The Great Gatsby, Bride Wars, Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, and Crocodile Dundee. The Plaza’s Oak Room Bar set the stage Hitchcock’s North by Northwest and was featured in the last season of Mad Men. Out front is the beautiful Pulitzer Fountain that was replicated in the opening credits of Friends and where Blair and Serena danced on Gossip Girl. Upper East Side & Fabulous Fifth Avenue Check out the famous locations from New York City’s funniest sitcoms on the exclusive Upper East Side. See Barney’s, where Elaine from Seinfeld buys a dress, only to realize it looks horrible on her. Then see the Pierre Hotel where Monica and Chandler tie the knot in Friends. Continue your adventure and you’ll see the famous Fifth Ave stores that have been used in a number of films. Pass by FAO Schwarz, most famous for it’s role in the movie BIG, and see Tiffany & Co., which was featured on screen in Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Glee and New Years Eve. Cruising down Fifth Avenue the NYC TV & Movie Tour takes you past yet another Trump Tower that you’ll recognize as Wayne Enterprises in The Dark Knight. Next pass the St. Regis Hotel, as seen in The Devil Wears Prada, Taxi Driver and Miss Congeniality. You can’t miss Rockefeller Center, home to NBC Studios where The Tonight Show, Saturday Night Live, The Today Show, and countless other TV shows and movies film. Most recently Marvel’s Daredevil featured a tense scene between Fisk and Madame Gao at the same rooftop garden Spider-Man swings onto with Mary Jane in Spider-Man. See the New York Public Library, a filming location for Ghostbusters, Ted 2, 13 Going 30, Sex and The City: The Movie and catch a glimpse of the Empire State Building, featured in King Kong, Sleepless in Seattle and An Affair to Remember. Flatiron District and Washington Square Park The journey continues as you approach the Flatiron Building, which you’ll recognize from Spider-Man, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and the scene from The Other Guys when Samuel L. Jackson and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson leap from the top. Across the street is Madison Square Park, where Ron Burgundy fights the ultimate battle of the news teams in Anchorman 2. You may also recognize this park from I am Legend, The Adjustment Bureau and Something Borrowed Our first stop on the tour is one of New York’s most famous landmarks, Washington Square Park. It’s here where Glee, The Mindy Project, Don Jon, Blue Bloods and countless other movies and TV shows filmed. Around the corner you can spot the Comedy Cellar where Louie performs in Louie and the McDonald’s where Julian demands breakfast in Big Daddy. Tribeca The Tribeca area is famous for it’s annual film festival founded by Robert De Niro but is also a great location for filming. Your tour guide will escort you for a photo-op at the FDNY Hook & Ladder 8, known as the Ghostbusters’ Firehouse, also seen in Hitch and Seinfeld. Greenwich Village, the Meatpacking District In Greenwich Village your guide will lead you off the grid, literally into the maze of one hundred year old townhouses and cobblestone streets. You’ll appear in a familiar place, the perfect photo-op outside the apartment building that was home to Monica, Chandler, Joey, and Rachel from Friends. In the Meatpacking District, you’ll see the Standard Hotel which houses the Boom Boom Room, that you’ll recognize from Gossip Girl and The High Line, one of New York’s newest parks featured in Hitch, GIRLS, and The Mysteries of Laura. Hovering high above is The Highline Hotel, whose grounds were often featured as fictional “Hudson University” in Law and Order SVU. Chelsea Moving through Chelsea you’ll see Empire Diner from Men In Black II and Home Alone 2. Pass the Star on 18 Diner where Abby and Ilana recover after an all nighter on Broad City. Even see the Chelsea Television Studios where The Wendy Williams Show and The Rachael Ray Show are filmed. Midtown Making your way through Midtown you’ll find the famous Macy’s in Herald Square, used in holiday favorites Miracle on 34th Street and Elf. See the Time-Life Building, featured in Mad Men as the new Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce office. You’ll catch a glimpse of the original “Al’s Soup Kitchen” from Seinfeld and the Bank of America Tower, which plays the role of “Atlantis World Media” from HBO’s The Newsroom. Even enter the world of Marvel’s Daredevil on Eighth Avenue at the 50th street subway stop, where “Foggy” Nelson places a desperate call to a friend in the NYPD. The NYC TV & Movie Tour ends at McGee’s Pub, the inspiration for MacLaren's Pub in How I Met Your Mother, where you’ll have the opportunity to take photos, grab a drink or dine at the spot that inspired the “bromance” between Barney, Ted and Marshall. * In an effort to stay current, we are constantly updating our tours with new locations and cannot guarantee the presence of locations mentioned on our site. If you have a particular interest in locations from a specific TV show or movie, please let your tour guide know and we will do our best to accomodate your request.
Rock legends Aerosmith are bringing their famous live show to Las Vegas for the Deuces are Wild residency a show that you won't soon forget.
360 Chicago
Situado a 300 metros sobre The Magnificent Mile®, pronto verá porqué es una visita imprescindible para turistas y lugareños por igual.
Disfrute de las vistas de 360 ° que se extienden sobre cuatro estados y el lago Michigan. Podrá disfrutar de una puesta de sol a 300 metros de altura o vislumbrar la ciudad iluminada durante la noche.
Nueva exposición Historia de Chicago
Descubra la historia de Chicago mientras aprende sobre 9 de los barrios ricos culturalmente.
Efectos multimedia
TITL - La mayor experiencia móvil de Chicago
Disfrute de la emoción de estar inclinado 3660 metros sobre la Magnificent Mile
Contemple vistas inigualables de la ciudad desde un ángulo nunca antes visto
TILT es una experiencia conmovedora que puede albergar hasta 8 visitantes por viaje: aproximadamente 50 personas cada 30 minutos
*Tenga en cuenta: el viaje INCLINADO se incluye con este vale, 1 viaje por persona
Shedd Aquarium
Exposiciones incluidas en su entrada:
Underwater Beauty - Una exposición especial
Nuestro mundo está lleno de maravillas. Celebre con nosotros la increíble belleza viva de nuestros oceanos, lagos y rios en una nueva exposición especial en Shedd Aquarium: Underwater Beauty. Eche un vistazo a la grandiosidad debajo de las olas con 100 especies de todo el mundo juntas en un nuevo y evocador espacio. ¿Qué es la belleza? Deje que le pique la curiosidad mientras observa todas las maneras en las que la belleza se mueve y coexiste. Vea como se impulsan las medusas, como se retuercen las anguilas y como cobra vida un arcoiris de colores con los peces de los arrecifes. Sienta los ritmos, abrace los colores y disfrute de los patros que solo se pueden encontrar bajo el agua. Viva un mundo digno de celbrar - y salvar.
La nueva exposición llamada “Amphibians” va incluida en el precio de la entrada. Verá 40 especies diferentes de ranas y salamandras desde su ciclo de vida hasta sus adaptaciones para vivir en cada ecosistema de la Tierra. Descubra cómo de grande puede llegar a ser un problema para los anfibios – y cómo puede ayudarlos a hacer frente a estos grandes cambios.
Waters of the World
Viaje a 80 hábitats diferentes. Zambúllase en el océano desde los bosques de algas marinas hasta el fondo del mar. Explore los ecosistemas de Islas y Lagos. Visite grandes y pequeños ríos y aprenda más sobre nuestras aguas en la exhibición de ‘At Home on the Great Lakes’. Encuentre cientos de asombrosos animales, desde ranas diminutas a pulpos gigantescos, así como caimanes, iguanas, medusas y estrellas de mar.
Caribbean Reef
Haga un recorrido 360º por una comunidad de arrecifes bajo el agua. Siga a las tortugas marinas verdes, contemple desde muy cerca peces loro y tiburones.
Amazon Rising
Haga un viaje exótico por la Amazonia, hogar de un tercio de todos los seres vivos. Tenga cuidado con las anacondas y pirañas, rayas y caimanes camuflados. Vea como los animales, plantas y personas de la región se adaptan a las crecidas y bajadas anuales del agua.
Oceanário Abbott
Oceanário Abbot le sumerge en el vibrante ecosistema de las ballenas beluga, los delfines de flanco blanco, las nutrias de mar y los leones de mar. También podrá observar multitud de peces e invertebrados que viven donde los flujos de agua dulce entran en el océano. Use nuestro mapa para descubrir cómo se vinculan los animales entre ellos, a sus hábitats y a nosotros mismos.
La Zona de Juego Polar
Los niños tienen su propio lugar en el Acuario Shedd, 'La Zona de Juego Polar'. ¿Qué le gustaría ser? ¿Un pingüino deslizante y elegante? ¿Un explorador de aguas profundas? ¿Qué tal las dos cosas? En la Zona de Juego Polar puede disfrazarse de pingüino y fingir ser un pájaro en el Área de Juego Icy Sur. Desde allí puede dirigirse al Área de Juego Icy North para explorar las aguas del ártico en submarino. No se olvide de tocar las coloridas estrellas de mar en las piscinas. En la Zona de Juego Polar los niños aprenderán acerca de los polos opuestos- grande y pequeño, rápido y lento, superficial y profundo- e incluso sobre el norte y el sur, todo esto mientras juegan y se divierten.
Titanic Gala Dinner tickets are your best option for access to an unforgettable evening aboard the famed Ship of Dreams in Orlando. Get your tickets today at ShowTickets.com
Matt Goss is ready to dazzle you with his powerhouse vocals that have made him a fan favorite on the Las Vegas Strip at his all-new Mirage residency show.