During the dinner you will be served by the pirates themselves while Captain Hook tells you about his adventures on the Spanish Main. But be careful, while you are eating, another ship is silently approaching in the darkness, preparing to board the galleon. No need to be afraid, Captain Hook discovers the enemy’s ruse and orders his men to take up battle stations, the cannon are ready to fire. Pirates armed to the teeth with cutlasses and pistols jump from the rigging down to the decks where a sword fight ensues between the crew and the enemy pirates with amazing sound and light effects. And all this excitement you’re bound to be feeling hungry so it’s time to sit down at Captain Hook’ s table for a banquet where you can feast on delicious lobster as well as a buffet of salads, steamed vegetables, pirate rice, baked potatoes, grilled chicken and dessert. As well as unlimited Mexican drinks throughout the voyage. Come with us on this adventure on the high seas.
Las reservas deben ser canjeadas por adelantado. Por favor traiga su vale de reserva a los lugares listados para recoger su tarjeta: Aeropuerto de Dublín, Terminal 1 Lunes - Sábado: 08:00h - 21:30h Domingo: 10:00h - 18:00h +353 (1) 8444265 GRATUITO Estación de Autobuses de Dublín 59 Upper O'Connell Street Dublín 1 Lunes - Viernes: 09:00h - 17:30h Sábado y Domingo: 09:30h - 14:00h +353 (1) 7033028 GRATUITO
Shakespeare's Globe Exhibition is the world's largest exhibition devoted to Shakespeare and the London in which he lived and worked. Housed beneath the reconstructed Globe Theatre on London's Bankside, the exhibition explores the remarkable story of the Globe, and brings Shakespeare's world to life using a range of interactive displays and live demonstrations. Visitors to the exhibition can discover how shows were produced in the theatres of Shakespeare's time, from writing and rehearsals to music, dance and performance. There are opportunities to learn about the traditional crafts and techniques used during the process of rebuilding the Globe; to find out how special effects were produced in Shakespeare's time, to listen to recordings from some of the most memorable Shakespearean performances ever, or join the cast and add your own voice to a scene recorded by Globe actors; to create your own Shakespearean phrases in the word jungle; to watch a sword-fighting display and browse the costume collection, where you can learn about the extraordinary methods used in creating clothes 400 years ago. A visit to the Exhibition includes a guided tour of the theatre where expert guide-storytellers provide fascinating half hour tours of the auditorium, taking visitors on a journey through time back to Elizabethan London as well as the reconstruction process of the 1980's-90's and how the wooden 'o' works today as an imaginative and experimental theatrical space. An exhibition visit and theatre tour lasts about one and a half hours. Information sheets are available in English, large print, German, French, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Polish, Romanian, Chinese and Japanese. NB: There is no access to the theatre during matinee performances. Visitors will be taken to the nearby archaeological site of the Rose Theatre, Bankside's first playhouse. Tower of London Things to do and See at the Tower of London: Line of Kings Exhibition For over 300 years visitors to the Tower of London have marvelled at displays featuring arms and royal armour, life-sized wooden horses and figures of kings. The White Tower The White Tower is one of the most famous castle keeps in the world. It was built, to awe, subdue and terrify Londoners and to deter foreign invaders. It’s an iconic symbol of London and Britain. The Crown Jewels The Jewel house at the Tower of London houses the world famous Crown Jewels. 23,578 precious stones and gems make up the Crown Jewels and include the world’s most famous diamond ‘ The Great Star of Africa’. The Yeoman Warder tours The Yeoman Warders, also known as beefeaters, are the public face of the Tower of London. As well as guarding the Tower and Crown Jewels they also provide tours for visitor where they regale you with tales from the Tower. The Royal Beasts The last thing you’d expect to see at the Tower of London would be Lions, Tigers, Elephants and Polar Bears, but for over 600 years the Royal Menagerie played host to these and many more. Discover their extraordinary stories and what life was like for them at the tower. The Ravens ‘The kingdom and the Tower will fall if the six ravens ever leave the Tower of London’, well according to legend anyway. Whether this is true or not the ravens have become on of the Tower’s most famous sites, just make sure you see at least 6 when you visit! The Tower Green Believe it or not being executed inside the Tower of London was considered a privilege for those of high rank. The Tower Green contains a permanent memorial for those ‘lucky’ enough to be executed there. The Medieval Palace Being the oldest part of the Tower of London, the Medieval Palace contains amazing interiors that you won’t see anywhere else. here you can experience what life might have been like in a luxurious medieval household. Coins and kings; the Royal Mint at the Tower An exhibit devoted to telling the history of the Mint located at the Tower for over 500 years. Learn of Isaac Newton's efforts to rid London of counterfeiters when he was Warden of the Mint, Edward I's harsh punishments for people who tampered with his coins, Elizabeth I's restoration of the coinage following her father Henry VIII’s disastrous meddling, and Charles II's rejection of Commonwealth money.
¡Un día espectacular para toda la familia! Puede ver el mapa completo de las rutas en este enlace. Ruta Amarilla La Ruta Amarilla presenta los principales lugares de interés de Londres, como la Torre de Londres, la Catedral de San Pablo, el London Eye y el Marble Arch. Cruzando el río cuatro veces, le garantiza unas vistas espectaculares del impresionante paisaje de Londres a lo largo del Támesis. La Ruta Amarilla T2 dispone de audioguía en 11 idiomas diferentes (inglés, alemán, francés, español, italiano, ruso, japonés, portugués, mandarín, árabe y brasileño) y en la Ruta Amarilla T1 hay guías en directo. El punto de partida principal de esta ruta se encuentra en Coventry Street, Piccadilly Circus, pero podrá abordar el autobús en cualquier parada a lo largo de la ruta. Ruta Azul - The Royal Borough Route La sección sur de la Ruta Azul permanece sin cambios, cubriendo el popular distrito comercial de Kensington con los famosos Harrods y Harvey Nicholls, así como los museos de Kensington incluyendo el Victoria & Albert Museum, el Museo de Ciencias, el Museo de Historia Natural y el recién reubicado Museo del Diseño (apertura el 24 de noviembre de 2016). El Royal Borough de Kensington y Chelsea es el barrio más pequeño de Londres, pero también uno de los más poblados. Apodado 'Albertopolis', la zona contiene algunas de las propiedades residenciales más caras en Londres, junto con un gran número de museos (muchos con entrada gratuita) y las instituciones culturales. Ruta Naranja: The British Museum Tour The British Museum es la atracción más popular de Londres con más de 6 millones de visitantes al año. Dedicado a la historia de la humanidad, el arte y la cultura, el museo ha albergado a más de 8 millones de exposiciones (¡no todas al mismo tiempo!) El Nuevo diseño de la ruta le ofrece fácil acceso desde las estaciones de tren de Kings Cross, St Pancras y Euston. Los clientes que lleguen a estas estaciones podrán llegar fácilmente al centro de Londres para cambiar a la ruta amarilla que cubren todos los lugares de interés de la ciudad. Ruta Verde La ruta verde es útil si quiere cruzar la ciudad rápidamente para ir de un lugar a otro. Funciona cada 20 minutos con el primer autobús que sale de Charing Cross Road (Leicester Square) a las 9:00h y termina a las 14:35h. Ruta Púrpura La ruta purpura es útil si se aloja en hoteles situados en Bayswater, Notting Hill, Holland Park o Lancaster Gate, o dese air de compras a Westfield Shepherds Bush. Opera hacia la zona este y oeste, funciona con más frecuencia hacia el este, permitiéndole unirse a la ruta amarilla en Marble Arch. Ruta Roja La Ruta Roja ofrece comentarios multilingües en 11 idiomas diferentes (inglés, alemán, francés, español, italiano, ruso, japonés, portugués, mandarín, árabe y portugués brasileño), así como un canal único para niños (en inglés). Con 35 paradas convenientemente situadas alrededor de Londres, siéntese, relájese y disfrute de los lugares de interés: Hyde Park, las Casas del Parlamento, el Shard y Madame Tussauds. El punto de partida principal de esta excursión se encuentra en Grosvenor Gardens, Victoria Train Station, pero podrá abordar el autobús en cualquier parada a lo largo de la ruta. EXPLORE LOS TOURS A PIE POR LONDRES GRATIS Conozca de cerca la increíble historia de Londres. ¡Incluido GRATIS con cada billete de autobús! Tres fabulosos paseos que le pondrán en el corazón de la ciudad más emocionante del mundo: Paseo del Cambio de la Guardia: Vea Buckingham Palace, St. James Palace y los regimientos que los custodian en este emocionante paseo, a medida que marcha junto a los guardias de Buckingham Palace.* Sale diariamente a las 10:00h desde el Centro de Atención al Cliente de The Original Tour. Paseo del Rock 'n' Roll: Haga un paseo de 90 minutos por el corazón de la herencia Rockera de Londres: Los Beatles, los Rolling Stones, David Bowie y The Sex Pistols - ¡Es sólo Rock 'n' Roll, pero te gustará! Sale diariamente a las 13:00 desde el Centro de Atención al Cliente de The Original Tour. Paseo de Jack el Destripador: Sigue los pasos del asesino en serie más famoso del mundo mientras le revelan la criminal historia acerca de lo ocurrido en la oscura calle de Whitechapel en 1888. Sale diariamente a las 16:00 de la parada de The Original Tour en la Torre de Londres, en Tower Hill * En los días en que no hay Cambio de la Guardia (martes, juéves y sábado), el tour le llevará a fer el Cambio de Guardia en caballo y a continuación visitarán Buckingham Palace. El Cambio de Guardia no se celebra si está lloviendo. ** Todos los recorridos duran aproximadamente 90 minutos. Tenga en cuenta que el Paseo de Jack el Destripador terminará en la estación de metro de Aldgate East y no en una de sus paradas de autobuses. *** Los Paseos guiados a pie están incluidos GRATIS con el billete de the Original Tour, pero se pueden comprar por separado por 11,20 € cada uno.
After meeting up with your local guide, we will make our way over to the River North Art District (RiNo) using a Denver-only rideshare company. RiNo is an achingly hip, up-and-coming neighborhood that boasts a serious number of creative businesses and fun start-ups, without a chain store in site. Our first stop will be one of Denver’s newest and most popular distilleries. Serving an impressive array of flavored seasonal gins and exceptional vodka amongst other ‘spirited’ drinks, no detail is overlooked by this family-run establishment. We will enjoy the bar and terrace area (weather permitting) as we sip superb liquors made from top quality local grains and fruit. Next up it’s time to experience what Denver is famed for: its unbelievably good craft beer scene. We’ll make our way to our absolute favorite local brewery to sample a flight of beers. The large tanks inside may look ultra serious but don’t be fooled — this establishment may well be the most fun place in Denver to hang out on a summer evening and you’ll get to see why the locals love it so much. After boozing on liquor and beer, we think it’s time to get some food into you! And not just any food will do — we are going to take you to a place that has become a magnet for foodies all over Denver, where we’ll enjoy some locally sourced gastro delights that will show you why Denver is gaining a strong reputation as a fabulous foodie hot spot. But wait, we’re not done yet! A short walk after dinner will take us to a beloved local cidery, to try a uniquely dry style of cider. You will love the rare flavor profiles and interesting variations that this joint specialises in, so prepare to be wowed! As we finish our rounds, you may find that you want to stay out and play and we wouldn’t blame you one bit, as RiNo is awesome! We can leave you to marinate longer and find your own way home (we’re always happy to advise on the best way to do so) or, if you decide to stick with us, we’ll drop you in an area where there’s plenty more to see, do and drink during the rest of your dynamite Denver night out. Cheers!
What time is best to visit? It's a question we're often asked, and the truth is that there is no best time to visit the Sydney Tower Eye. Whether it's bright sunshine, overcast, windy, night or even foggy, there's always something to see. Sunset is our busiest time of day, so if you want to catch an amazing sunet, be sure to arrive at least 45 minutes before sunset.