Las capsulas Hair-Plus son ideales para el cabello debil y delgado, con una formula basada en investigaciones innovadoras. Hair-Plus utiliza el innovador activo AnaGain y esta enriquecido con vitaminas y minerales vitales como la Biotina, Cobre y Zinc
Natural DNA regenerator (Cat’s Claw) Contains alkaloids with antiviral and immune-stimulant properties. Protective effect against DNA mutation. Presumed anti-cancer effects.
Makari Body Beautifying Milk is a natural formula for skin lightening. Makari Body Beautifying Milk helps fade hyperpigmentation and discolourations.
Skinception Dermefface FX7 is perfect for targeting scars’ appearance, using a perfect botanical + scientific blend. Dermefface FX7’s key ingredients include Beta Glucan, Vervain and Soy Fiber, in a light and swiftly absorbed serum that needs only twice-daily application.
East Cape Manuka Creme kombiniert hochwertiges Manukaol mit Hautpflegemitteln, um die Haut zu schutzen.
Der Waist Trainer beschert Ihnen eine definierte Taille und reduziert den Bauchumfang effektiv. Der Waist Trainer hat bereits vielen Frauen geholfen.