2 Zauberfolien "Amaryllis", jede Folien-Hülle ca. 24 cm x 14,3 cm, extrastark, passend für Flaschen und andere Gegenstände mit 9 cm Durchmesser.
MORVAN / SOLOGNE BOURBONNAISE / VAL D?ALLIER / VALLEE DE LA SIOULE / COMBRAILLES Dans ce VTOPO, découvrez la première partie d?une itinérance VTT mythique ! 20 ans après, la GTMC est de retour : -Plus longue, avec près de 1400 km d?itinéraire...
Thor Nylon hammers have a choice of plastic grip or wooden handles with Chrome plated Zinc heads with Nylon faces, these are fitted as standard, available in 6 different weights. Alternative faces, colour coded to distinguish hardness are also available. The faces are designed to wear and are replaceable by hand. Available in 6 sizes each with different weights, Used, due to the easily interchangeable heads, as a multi purpose striking tool in most assembly applications including engineering, furniture, shopfitting, partitioning, double glazing, injection moulding dies etc. THO406 and THO408 are fitted with wooden handles while THO410, THO412, THO414 and THO416 have plastic handles. Weight 250g (1/2lb).Diameter 25mm (1 in).
Galvanised steel Omega hog rings for use with fencing pliers.Pack of 1,000 Omega 20 hog rings.
Sprühfarbe/Sprühkreide "Kreidefix" zum Aufsprühen auf Fenster, Straßen, Autos, Rasen, Sand und mehr, in der Sprühdose, neongelb, 150 ml. Verwenden Sie dazu nach Belieben unsere Kunststoff-Schablonen. Anwendung: Kreidefix ist eine abwaschbare Sprühkreide auf natürlicher Rohstoffbasis. Kreativ auf vielen Oberflächen: Ob zur Dekoration von Fensterscheiben, zur Beschriftung von Asphalt und Autos od...
The Zarges Industrial Single Ladder is lightweight but still extremely stable. Its replaceable 2-component plastic end caps ensure positioning without risk of slipping and at the same time provide firm seating in the stile. The ladder features ZARGES high strength quality triple formed connection between rungs and stiles. These rungs and stiles are made from extruded aluminium section providing excellent strength. Conforms to EN 131 standards, 150 Kilo rating. Rung Size: 30mm.Outside Width: 350mm.No. of rungs: 8. Length: 2.49m. Stile depth: 58mm. Weight: 4.4kg. Delivered Direct to Business, Site or Home, please note a carriage surcharge may apply dependant on the delivery address, please contact us for further details.