Wolke, Sonne, Mond und Sterne helfen deinem Schatz zu schlafen und zu träumen und singen wundervolle Schlaflieder.
Plüsch-Decke aus Teddyflausch und Microfleece, mit süßer Applikation.
Saison:Sommer,Frühling; Stoff:Baumwolle; Ärmellänge:Kurzarm; Pflegetipps:Maschinenwäsche; Geschlecht:Jungen; Menge:2 Stück; Stil:Täglich,Alltag; Elastizität:Mikro-elastisch; Funktion:Outdoor,Innen; Kinder Bekleidung:Kleidungsset; Altersgruppe:Kinder; Oberteil Länge:Standard; Passform:Regular Fit; Muster:Buchstabe,Tarnfarben; Design:Bedruckt; Alter:2-8 Jahre; Titelseite:FF; Kotierung:01/06/2022; Brust:; Länge [unten]:; Länge [oben]:; Ärmel:; TAILLE:
*Sizing Note* Carhartt are more generously sized you may need to consider dropping down a size from your traditional workwear clothing. Whether you are labouring outside or working up a sweat inside these trousers are appropriate for all work environments. Carhartt's Steel Multipocket Reinforced Work Trousers come with some great features and accessories for your comfort. They sit nicely at the waist have a relaxed seat and thigh comfort flex waistband and cordura-reinforced front ledge pockets., 10oz/yd2 / 339gsm 98% cotton/2% elastane ripstop fabric., Sits at the waist., Relaxed seat and thigh., Comfort flex waistband., Cordura-reinforced front ledge pockets.
Estação:Primavera,Outono; Tecido:Poliéster,Elastano,Algodão; Comprimento da Manga:Manga Longa; Cuidados:Lavar na Maquina; Gênero:Para Meninos; Estilo:Básico; Vestuário Infantil:Conjunto; Faixa Etária:Bebê; Comprimento do Camisa:Padrão; Estampa:Listrado; primeira página:FF; Peso Liquido:0.16; listagem Data:05/05/2019; Busto:; Comprimento [Inferior]:; Comprimento [Top]: