Genre:Non spécifié; Mouvement:Quartz Japonais; Type:Montre Tendance; Matériau de l'étui:Acier; Matériel de bande:Cuir; Couleur de bande:Noir; Emballage:Splendide Boîte à Cadeaux; Quantité Minimale de Commande:1
Anyone who grew up with a Mr Potato Head toy or watched the popular Toy Story films is sure to recognise this wonderful character and love this fantastic porcelain mug.
This stunning train money box is red and black with gold detailing and can be personalised with a child's name and a chosen date. Both are hand painted in gold as are the brass details on the engine. The train measures 6.25\' long x 3\' high (approx).
Genre:Femme; Mouvement:Quartz Japonais; Type:Montre Tendance; Matériau de l'étui:Acier; Diamètre du Cadran:30mm ; Epaisseur du Cadran:4mm ; Matériel de bande:Cuir; Couleur de bande:Rouge; Emballage:Splendide Boîte à Cadeaux; Quantité Minimale de Commande:1
Whether it's their birthday, Christmas, or you want to say a big thank you, their very own pint glass complete with their name on is the perfect gift for anyone who loves a drink or two.