Blephasol is a preservative-free cleansing solution designed to combat the symptoms of Blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids). Easy to use, this multipurpose solution is designed to be used daily for eyelid hygiene and effective eye make-up removal. Gently cleansing the eyelids, Blephasol removes eyelash crusts, impurities, and excess oil. The solution is completely fragrance-free, with no need to mix before use and no need to rinse after use. To use, apply the solution to a cotton pad, then gently massage your closed eyelid and base of the eyelashes with small circular motions. Repeat with a fresh cotton pad for each eye. This product is designed to be used twice daily; morning and night.
MesmerEyez Naturalz 1 Day Sea Green Contact LensesFor a strong colour change.Bored of your current eye colour and fancy a change? Then MesmerEyez coloured contact lenses are the perfect product for you!MesmerEyez Naturalz 1 Day Sea Green Contact Lenses are fun, safe and easy to use. MesmerEyez Naturalz feature a unique pattern which overlays your natural base to create a stunning new eye colour.Comfortable, light and soft, MesmerEyez coloured contacts are easy to wear and your eyes will feel hydrated, fresh and comfortable all day long.Sold as a pairLast for 1 day once openedWear for maximum of 8 hours45% water contentPackaged in sterile buffered isotonic salineManufactured in accordance with the EU Cosmetics DirectiveProduced under ISO International Standards quality controlManufactured in the UK
Retro Classic Reading Glasses ,Fashion Unisex Club reader , 24pcs/lot Free shipping powers:+100 to+400 drop ship available
Die 1-DAY ACUVUE MOIST ist eine weiche Ein-Tages-Kontaktlinse aus dem Hause Johnson & Johnson. geeignet für: trockene Augen, Allergiker, Kontaktlinseneinsteiger Nutzungsdauer: Tageslinsen Wassergehalt: 58% Sauerstoffdurchlässigkeit: 28 Dk/t lieferbare Werte : -12,00 dpt bis +6,00 dpt UV-Schutz: ja Handlingstint : ja Die Tageslinsen 1-DAY ACUVUE MOIST halten ihre Feuchtigkeit über den ganzen Tag. Deswegen sind die Kontaktlinsen besonders gut für trockene Augen und Allergiker geeignet. Selbst bei langem Tragen oder anstrengenden Sehbedingungen sitzen sie noch angenehm am Auge. Auch die Handhabung ist sehr einfach. Dank ihrer Markierung sind die Kontaktlinsen sehr leicht ins Auge einzusetzen. So eignen sie sich insbesondere für Kontaktlinseneinsteiger, weil zu Beginn oftmals die Sicherheit beim Einsetzen fehlt. Die weichen Kontaktlinsen müssen nach dem Abnehmen nicht gereinigt werden, da sie jeden Tag frisch und sauber aus der Verpackung entnommen werden. Die Kontaktlinsen 1-DAY ACUVUE MOIST schützen Ihre Augen vor schädlicher UV-Strahlung durch die Sonne, ersetzen allerdings keine Sonnenbrille. LuckyLens liefert Ihnen die Tageslinsen 1-DAY ACUVUE MOIST bequem und kostengünstig nach Hause.
Benefits: Ideal for sensitive eyes. Does not contain preservatives found in other multi-purpose solutions. Removes deposits and irritants. Provides a deep clean to keep your eyes healthy and ensure clear vision. Compatible with various lens types. Can be used to clean and store both soft contact lenses and rigid gas permeable contact lenses. Developed by Alcon, AOSEPT PLUS is recommended for allergy sufferers and those with sensitive eyes, as it is free from preservatives. This means you can wear your lenses for longer, with limited discomfort. As this twin pack contains two bottles of solution and two lens cases, you will be stocked up for the next two months. Containing a unique protein-removal technology, this solution is designed to protect your lenses from harmful deposits, this encourages optimum eye health. It is very important that before using this product, you follow the special instructions for cleaning and ensure you store your lenses in their special case for no less than six hours. In doing so, you allow the hydrogen peroxide to neutralise so that the solution does not harm your eyes.
Professional colored contact lens cases provider; factory supply to ensure the lowest price; advanced sandwiching process to ensure high quality; fast delivery and satisfactory customer service.