Das Bustier der Serie "CK ID" kombiniert die Vorzüge zweier BH-Arten perfekt. Zum einen sitzt es bequem ohne Bügel und wirkt sportlich cool, was aber durch die eingearbeiteten Schaumstoffkissen und dem dadurch voll geformten Dekolleté eine einzigartige feminine Note erhält. Mit dem markanten Logo auf dem Gummibundunterbrustband sowie dem edgy Details aus Netz ein absolut trendiger Must-Have-Look.
Very comfortable boxer for the well endowed man. Hang-free design with no hidden cup or padding, featuring extra room in front, just where you need it. Made from super soft and comfortable microfiber. Fine horizontal stripes. Contrast trim. Iconic waistband to let everyone know you are a Trophy Boy. Limited Edition.
Low-rise boxer made from super soft and comfortable cotton. Lined front pouch. Fitted cut. EL&IU elastic waistband. Made in Spain.
Low-rise jock made from ultra soft and comfortable microfiber. Camouflage digital print. Contrasting trim. Addicted elastic waistband. Made in Barcelona.
Deep V sexy hanging neck one-piece sexy lingerie
High waisted to help to slim tummy and waist section while adding dimension and lift the derriere in a natural and proven way! Give you 3 level of lift and regain your confidence and shape.