Erkunden Sie Herculaneum, eine alte römische Stadt, die nach dem Ausbruch des Vesuvs im Jahr 79 n. Chr. Besser erhalten blieb als Pompeji
Spazieren Sie durch die gepflasterten Straßen und sehen Sie die antiken Villen, Fresken, Badehäuser und vieles mehr
Abholung vom / zum Hotel vom Zentrum von Neapel - Hin- und Rückfahrt zwischen Neapel und Herculaneum an Bord eines voll ausgestatteten GT-Reisebusses mit Audiokommentar an Bord
Dieses Ticket beinhaltet
Dienstleistungen eines sachkundigen Reiseführers an Board
Abholung vom Hotel mit einem modernen Reisebus
Hin- und Rückfahrt zwischen Neapel und Herculaneum
Dieses Ticket beinhaltet nicht
Eintritt Herculaneum
A fantastic all-day excursion along the beautiful Costa Daurada coastline aboard the most modern luxury catamaran on the Mediterranean, sailing to the traditional village of L' Ametlla de Mar. The food option includes a delicious barbecue prepared by your captain and crew, and also includes sangria and dessert too. On arrival you will have free time to explore the morning market and visit the local shops, where you can buy some local products and souvenirs. Shopping in L´ Ametlla de Mar is a lovely pastime, where you can walk through its narrow and bustling streets, visiting little shops and boutiques. A great way to spend your day, or if you prefer, you can choose to relax on the beautiful sandy beach instead. Filled with lovely coves and blue flag beaches, L’Ametlla de Mar is an unspoilt fishing town on the Costa Daurada, Catalonia. With quaint whitewashed buildings that watch over the sea and its beautiful shades of blue and green waves lapping up against the light golden sand, L´ Ametlla de Mar is a very pretty picture.
praktische Informationen:
Die Safaritour erfolgt in Ihrem eigenen Fahrzeug
Der Eintrittspreis beinhaltet den Zugang zum Safari Trail, zur Marine City, zum Bush Path und zum Dschungel Trail
Der 4x4-Raid ist exklusiv (obligatorisch für Cabriolets und Motorräder)
Die Geschäftsführung behält sich das Recht vor, die Hängebrücke des Jungle Course aus Sicherheitsgründen entsprechend den Wetterbedingungen (Regentage, Wind usw.) zu schließen.
allgemeine Informationen:
Restaurants im Park: Bei Kilometer 5 im Fußgängerdorf und am Parkeingang,
Picknickplätze auf dem Gelände
Wohnmobile sind erlaubt
Self-Guided Audio Tour Let a host of Arsenal stars share their match-day experiences with you as you explore behind-the-scenes at Arsenal with new audio tour. Hear from the boss as you take your place in the changing room, listen to the roar of the crowd as you walk down the tunnel, explore our museum and test your Arsenal knowledge against one of our Arsenal experts. Plus much more. Self-Guided Audio Tours are available in English, Dutch, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Mandarin, and Japanese The Aresenal Musuem Both self-guided and Legend tours includes a trip to the spectacular, interactive Arsenal Museum which includes exclusive exhibits including Michael Thomas' boots from Anfield '89, Charlie George's 1971 FA Cup final shirt and Alan Smith's shirt from 1994's European Cup Winners Cup Final. Plus much more. Enjoy a self-guided audio tour around the magnificent Emirates Stadium; Arsenal Football Club's home ground. Experience the amazing architecture and learn all about the history of the club *Please note tours do not run on match days so please check the fixture list prior to making your booking. Chapman's Looking for somewhere to grab a bite to eat after your tour? Why not visit Chapman’s (located outside the Armoury Store), serving a wide selection of food and drinks including teas and coffees, sandwiches, paninis, wraps and much more.