Gommes de Propolis Reglisse Lot de 2 boites de 45g Propolia sont des gommes de Propolis a sucer. Les Gommes de Propolis Miel - Reglisse adoucissent la gorge et parfument durablement l haleine, grace au pouvoir purifiant de la Propolis et a l action adoucissante et fluidifiante de la gomme arabique et du Miel. La Reglisseapporte sa note fraiche et degage la respiration. Conseils d utilisation : Sucer lentement 5 a 6 gommes par jour pendant 10 a 15 minutes et de facon continue. Ne pas depasser la dose journaliere conseillee. Precautions : Complement alimentaire ne se substituant pas a une alimentation variee et equilibree, ni a un mode de vie sain, ni a un suivi medical. Ce produit n est pas un medicament. Tenir hors de portee des enfants. A eviter chez les femmes enceintes et les enfants de moins de 3 ans. Contre-indique chez les personnes allergiques aux produits de la ruche. Peut contenir des traces de fruits a coque, d oeuf et de ble.
Answer Pregnancy TestAnswer Pregnancy Test is an easy to use home pregnancy test that gives you results in just 1 minute. Simply hold the absorbent end of the test in your urine stream for a few seconds, then after a minute check the easy to read result - two lines pregnant, one line not pregnant.Answer Pregnancy Test works from the first day of a missed period and is over 99% accurate in laboratory testing.
Fantastic flavour, very creamy and great vapour production. 10ml (0.34 fl oz)MPG/VG Ratio 70%/30%Bowman products may contain nicotine which is an addictive drug. If unsure of use, please consult your doctor.Do not use if you are allergic to any of the ingredients used within Bowman productsBowman products are not intended as a nicotine replacement therapy, nor do they function as a cessation device, they are intended as an alternative to smoking.Bowman products are intended for use by existing smokers aged 18 or over as an alternative to tobacco cigarettes.Bowman products are not to be used by children, pregnant or breast feeding women or persons in ill health.Bowman products contain no tar, no tobacco and no carbon monoxide.