Come experience these unique and amazing Exhibits: Explore the power of play with giant Lego built structures and building challenges. Coal Mine - Descend the mine shaft, take a ride on the rails and learn the technology of coal mining. U-505 Submarine - Experience the real U-505, the only German submarine in the United States. Future Energy Chicago - Collaborate in a fast-paced simulation to create a more sustainable city. Genetics and the Baby chick Hatchery - Discover the complex interplay between genes and environmental cues that produce new life. Numbers in Nature: A Mirror Maze -0 Discover the mathematical patterns that abound in the natural world. Science Storms: Feel the physics and consider the chemistry of nature phenomena like tornados and avalanches. The Great Train Story: Travel from Chicago to Seattle in intricate detail on this massive model railroad. YOU! The Experience: Examine the experience of life itself and the connection between mind, body and spirit. All Aboard the Silver Streak: Pioneer Zephyr: Step aboard one of America's first diesel-electric streamlined passenger trains. Colleen Moore's Fairy Castle: Experience the enchantment of fairy's dream home in Colleen Moore's Fairy Castle. DARPA: Redefining Possible: (through Sept. 6): Meet the agency behind some of our favorite technologies. The Idea Factory: Young children can splash, stack and spin their way to testing scientific principles. Transportation Gallery: Explore how humankind has flown, soared, sped and chugged throughout the years. Farm Tech: Step into a modern farm and explore the innovations that bring food to your table. Fast Forward Inventing the Future: Immerse yourself in a world of tomorrow's inventions and today's visionaries. Henry Crown Space Center: Recapture the excitement of the Space Race and learn about the future of space exploration. The Art of the Bicycle: See the art and function of rarely displayed historic bikes alongside new cutting-edge bicycles. Earth Revealed: Get an up-close and near "real-time" view of our planet Earth. Materials Science: Explore the history and future of materials that impact our lives every day. Ships through the Ages: Follow the store of man's quest to travel the seas with the Museum's collection of model ships. Swiss Jolly Ball: See the world's largest pinball machine right before your eyes. ToyMaker 3000: An Adventure in Automation: This assembly line of robots manufactures fun while assembling custom toy tops before your eyes. Whispering Gallery: Investigate the reflection and focus of sound by sending the tiniest whisper across the room. Yesterday's Main Street: Journey back in time and experience America in the early 1900s. The following additional experiences can be purchased at the Museum. They require an additional timed-entry ticket: $12 Adult, $9 Child (ages 3-11). Subject to availability. Coal Mine The WOW! Tour U-505 Submarine On-board Tour
Shared limousine transportation. Collection time confirmed at least 24 hours in advance.
Yogurts and Toppings: Strawberry yogurt, blueberry yogurt, plain yo-gurt, strawberries, strawberry soup.
Bagel Station with Assorted Spreads.
Assorted sliced breads, croissants, English muffins, bagels, pecan sticky bun, strawberry and apple turnovers, cheese danish, apple, granola and blueberry muffins, cream cheese, strawberry jam and grape jelly
Cold Buffet: Flavored yogurts, fresh fruits, cottage cheese, assortment of cereals, house-made granola.
Breakfast Favorites: Scrambled eggs, egg whites scrambled, lobster eggs benedict, Mickey waffles, pancakes, Smoked Salmon, hash brown casserole, bacon, sausage, oatmeal, grits, French Toast.
Breakfast consists of a breakfast buffet at the wonderful Contemporary Resort;
Clients may return to their original hotel or be returned to Universal Orlando or Sea World. Walt Disney Transportation may be used from the Contemporary Resort to reach Walt Disney World.
Our limousine excursions offer the convenience of door to door service. As all limousine excursions use SHARED limousine transportation this requires us to wait until the day prior to the excursion to formulate the most efficient route and provide exact collection times. We ask clients to contact us no later than 72 hours prior to their excursion date to verify we have their correct accommodation details (full address including zip code, contact number, gate code etc.). We will then contact them at least the day prior to provide exact collection time. In order to operate these limousine excursions efficiently we reserve the right to ask a client to make their way to a centralized pickup in the event their accommodation exceeds an acceptable distance from the standard Orlando tourism area. Limousine may be either stretch limousine or top of the line Mercedes Sprinter Limo.
The Entertainment The music is drawn from the Medieval and Renaissance courts of Europe and covers the periods of the 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th centuries. Our musicians are at the forefront of a reemergence of Medieval English and European musical culture. The music is robust, engaging and emotive, bringing to life 800 year old musical manuscripts that have long been the domain of specialists and enthusiasts. Medieval Banquet Heritage All this takes place with the history of 1000 years beneath your feet! Our production pays homage to this history and notably to the Knights of Portsoken, a group of 13 knights in the retinue of 10th century English King, Edgar the Peaceful. The king gifted to them this very land upon which the banquet sits in recognition of performing three acts of bravery, one above ground, one below ground and one in the water, or so the legend goes. Each evening during the banquet our knights assemble to preserve the history of this ancient rite with an elaborate display of swordfighting There are many opportunities to dance with the cast, sing, bang your fists on the table and cry for your wench to bring you more food or drink! We also have a range of medieval costumes for hire to help you really look the part. BANQUET MENU A SOUP MADE DAILY WITH A SELECTION OF MARKET VEGETABLES A PLATTER OF SMOKED AND CURED MEATS SERVED WITH A GARDEN SALAD A CAULDRON OF ROASTED CHICKEN IN A TRADITIONAL MEDIEVAL SAUCE WITH ROASTED POTATOES AND HONEY GLAZED VEGETABLES SEASONAL FRUIT TART VEGETARIAN OPTION AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST AT TIME OF BOOKING A SOUP MADE DAILY WITH A SELECTION OF MARKET VEGETABLES MOZZARELLA AND TOMATO SALAD WITH BALSAMIC AND BASIL OIL ROASTED BUTTERNUT SQUASH FILLED WITH A ROOT VEGETABLE & BUTTERBEAN CASOULET TOPPED WITH CHEDDAR CHEESE SEASONAL FRUIT TART *** Please note menus are subject to change
Selling out theaters and arenas across the nation Staten Island native Sal Vulcano has exploded onto the comedy scene with his work on the truTV show Impractical Jokers.
London Eye Con 140 metros de altura, el London Eye es la noria más alta del mundo. 32 Cápsulas, en que cada una puede cargar 25 personas, le llevarán en un viaje de 30 minutos a través de las vistas más espectaculares de todo Londres y sus alrededores, abarcando 40 kilómetros en todas las direcciones. La Experiencia London Eye 4D La Experiencia London Eye 4D es una película 3D pionera en efectos especiales, como el viento, la niebla y las burbujas, que hacen el 4D. La película en sí es una conmovedora historia de una niña con su padre en Londres. Su punto de vista de los monumentos de Londres está oscurecida por las personas y el tráfico, pero una gaviota atrae su atención hacia el London Eye y su padre la lleva a esa experiencia; finalmente, puede disfrutar de unas increíbles vistas de la ciudad. Una vistosa fiesta dentro de la cápsula, un time lapse del día y la noche en el London Eye y un espectacular castillo de fuegos artificiales se muestran para sumarse a una experiencia emocional y entretenida; el preludio perfecto para una experiencia en el propio London Eye. Por favor, recuerde que el procedimiento de embarque para el London Eye dura unos 30 minutos. Nuestro precio es el mismo que el que podría pagar comprando en el sitio web del London Eye o en líneas telefónicas de reserva y no hay restricciones en las reservas de última hora. Para una perspectiva diferente, visítelo al atardecer y vea como se encienden las luces de la ciudad y el horizonte se inunda de colores vibrantes. No se permite subir al London Eye a los niños no acompañados. Cualquier reserva hecha para un niño no acompañado será tomada como una confirmación de que el niño se unirá a un grupo bajo la supervisión de un adulto. 365Tickets no se hará responsable si a un niño no se le permite acceder al London Eye por ir solo, ni su vale será reembolsable. La seguridad es su prioridad número uno. Para su seguridad y comodidad, por favor lea la siguiente información sobre qué elementos pueden y no pueden ser subidos al London Eye. Tenga en cuenta que todos los visitantes pueden ser sometidos a un registro de seguridad al subir al London Eye. Tenga en cuenta que los siguientes artículos se pueden subir a bordo del London Eye: • maletines • ordenadores portátiles • bolsas pequeñas y mochilas (tamaño máximo de 18 "x 13" x 8 "o 46cm x 33cm x 20cm) • bolsas de bebé Los siguientes artículos no pueden ser subidos a bordo del London Eye: • bolsas grandes / maletas • cascos de motocicleta • monopatines y patines • trípodes (salvo que se acuerde de antemano con el London Eye) • cochecitos de bebé * • artículos prohibidos ** Si no está seguro. * Los cochecitos de bebé se pueden dejar en nuestras instalaciones del área 'Buggy' en la sala de entrada, aunque sólo durante la duración de la experiencia. ** Los artículos prohibidos incluyen objetos afilados o cualquier cosa que pueda ser considerada un riesgo para la seguridad, incluyendo navajas, tijeras, limas de metal, juguetes o réplicas de pistolas. Si se encuentran o se declaran tales objetos le serán revisados y devueltos después de su experiencia, siempre que el artículo sea legal en el Reino Unido. Términos y Condiciones 1. Los objetos confiscados se dejaran en todo momento a riesgo del propietario. 2. London Eye Company (LEC) no asume ninguna responsabilidad por la pérdida o daño de cualquier objeto que deje en el London Eye. 3. LEC tiene el derecho de rechazar el almacenamiento de objetos de cualquier visitante a su discreción, ya sea por razones de seguridad pública o cualquier otra razón. Crucero por el Rio Támesis Con este boleto podrá viajar con una flota de lujo y puedrá subir o bajar en cualquiera de los muelles tan a menudo como quieras durante todo el día. A medida que el río Támesis teje su camino a través del corazón de Londres hay una historia en cada esquina y no hay mejor manera de ver y experimentar las vistas y el esplendor de esta gran ciudad que desde uno de los modernos cruceros. Disfrute de las vistas insuperables de algunos de los monumentos más famosos de Londres desde nuestras cubiertas superiores o desde los salones inferiores con ventanas panorámicas. Podrá encontrar dos bares que ofrecen refrescos y aperitivos.
MUSEUM OF SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY Come experience these unique and amazing Exhibits: Explore the power of play with giant Lego built structures and building challenges. Coal Mine - Descend the mine shaft, take a ride on the rails and learn the technology of coal mining. U-505 Submarine - Experience the real U-505, the only German submarine in the United States. Future Energy Chicago - Collaborate in a fast-paced simulation to create a more sustainable city. Genetics and the Baby chick Hatchery - Discover the complex interplay between genes and environmental cues that produce new life. Numbers in Nature: A Mirror Maze -0 Discover the mathematical patterns that abound in the natural world. Science Storms: Feel the physics and consider the chemistry of nature phenomena like tornados and avalanches. The Great Train Story: Travel from Chicago to Seattle in intricate detail on this massive model railroad. YOU! The Experience: Examine the experience of life itself and the connection between mind, body and spirit. All Aboard the Silver Streak: Pioneer Zephyr: Step aboard one of America's first diesel-electric streamlined passenger trains. Colleen Moore's Fairy Castle: Experience the enchantment of fairy's dream home in Colleen Moore's Fairy Castle. DARPA: Redefining Possible: (through Sept. 6): Meet the agency behind some of our favorite technologies. The Idea Factory: Young children can splash, stack and spin their way to testing scientific principles. Transportation Gallery: Explore how humankind has flown, soared, sped and chugged throughout the years. Farm Tech: Step into a modern farm and explore the innovations that bring food to your table. Fast Forward Inventing the Future: Immerse yourself in a world of tomorrow's inventions and today's visionaries. Henry Crown Space Center: Recapture the excitement of the Space Race and learn about the future of space exploration. The Art of the Bicycle: See the art and function of rarely displayed historic bikes alongside new cutting-edge bicycles. Earth Revealed: Get an up-close and near "real-time" view of our planet Earth. Materials Science: Explore the history and future of materials that impact our lives every day. Ships through the Ages: Follow the store of man's quest to travel the seas with the Museum's collection of model ships. Swiss Jolly Ball: See the world's largest pinball machine right before your eyes. ToyMaker 3000: An Adventure in Automation: This assembly line of robots manufactures fun while assembling custom toy tops before your eyes. Whispering Gallery: Investigate the reflection and focus of sound by sending the tiniest whisper across the room. Yesterday's Main Street: Journey back in time and experience America in the early 1900s. The following additional experiences can be purchased at the Museum. They require an additional timed-entry ticket: $12 Adult, $9 Child (ages 3-11). Subject to availability. Coal Mine The WOW! Tour U505 Submarine On-board Tour Skydeck Chicago At 1,353 feet and 110 stories above the streets of downtown Chicago, The Ledge at Willis Tower's Skydeck will transform any visitor's--or local's for that matter--experience with the Windy City. In January 2009, Willis Tower owners began a major renovation of the beloved Skydeck, which originally opened in 1974, and served as a premier tourist attraction throughout the skyscraper's tenure as the Sears Tower. When ownership changed hands, the fresh blood added a fresh look--and adrenaline rush--to the 103rd floor in the form of retractable glass balconies extending about 4 feet over Wacker Drive and the Chicago River below. Still the 8th tallest building in the world, and the absolute tallest in the Western Hemisphere, Willis Tower's Skydeck will reward anyone brave enough to step onto its Ledge with unparalleled views of Illinois' enthralling metropolis. Willis Tower, Skydeck, and The Ledge Fast Facts The hundreds of forehead prints visitors left behind each week on Skydeck windows served as this inspiration for The Ledge. The Ledge boxes can each bear about 4-1/2 metric tons of weight, and adventurers who trust that statistic enough to prove it can often be found jumping and bounding around the entirely translucent enclosures as Chicago's heavy traffic and infrastructure bustle below. The Ledge’s glass panels weight 1,500 pounds apiece, and each box is comprised of three layers of half-inch thick glass laminated into one seamless unit. In addition to serving 1.3 million tourists per year in its 4.5+ million square feet of space, Willis Tower is home to more than 100 companies, including prominent law, insurance, transportation, and financial services. The Ledge's glass boxes retract into the Skydeck main floor for easy maintenance, probably mostly cleaning off the 974 dead birds that must fly into them every month. The Moonwalk is the most popular dance performed on The Ledge, followed closely by the Running Man. Riverdance clocks in at a distant third. Bringing people who are afraid of heights to The Ledge is not recommended, unless you are mean-spirited or really don't like them. In which case, you should probably just take them here. Willis Tower was known as Sears Tower for decades, until the 30th anniversary of Diff'rent Strokes, at which point it was rightfully renamed.