JORVIK Viking Centre Take hold of the past and explore the excavations which first unearthed the Viking-age city in our brand new exhibitions. As you travel around Viking-Age Jorvik aboard our state of the art ride experience - which now includes commentary in sixteen languages, from all major Scandinavian dialects to Mandarin Chinese – you will encounter Old Norse speaking citizens on the streets of the city and in their homes. Discover the Arabic trader bringing his wares to trade, and the Viking storyteller recounting the apocalyptic Ragnarok myth. At the end of an unforgettable journey, visitors disembark to the JORVIK galleries where they can see some of the fascinating Viking artefacts. Cutting edge displays help you to investigate all of the information gathered from the 5-year-long dig at Coppergate and piece together the jigsaw of where the Vikings came from, why they came here, how they lived and died, and where they travelled to. At JORVIK Viking Centre you are standing on the site of one of the most famous and astounding discoveries of modern archaeology. Between the years 1976-81, archaeologists from York Archaeological Trust revealed the houses, workshops and backyards of the Viking-Age city of Jorvik, as it stood 1,000 years ago. Ticket Details Please Note: JORVIK tickets purchased through this channel do not entitle the holder to jump the queue – you must join the queue as normal and will be able to exchange your 365 Vouchers for tickets at the admissions desk. Vouchers must be printed off before visiting JORVIK, entry won't be granted without your 365tickets Voucher. York City Cruise Please note: The River Ouse in York can occasionally rise to levels that can have an impact on this cruise's daily operations after periods of heavy rainfall in the catchment area upstream. The local operators will always attempt to sail for as long as it is safe to do so. There can come a point where their smallest boat can no longer fit underneath the bridges. Depending on the height of the river, they may not be able to sail at all. In this instance, you will either be eligible for a full refund or your ticket(s) will happily accepted on another date during your stay if sailing is possible.
Please note: The River Ouse in York can occasionally rise to levels that can have an impact on this cruise's daily operations after periods of heavy rainfall in the catchment area upstream. The local operators will always attempt to sail for as long as it is safe to do so. There can come a point where their smallest boat can no longer fit underneath the bridges. Depending on the height of the river, they may not be able to sail at all. In this instance, you will either be eligible for a full refund or your ticket(s) will happily accepted on another date during your stay if sailing is possible.
La Experiencia Ultimate para los entusiasmas del espacio - Coma con un Astronauta en el Centro Espacial Kennedy. Una vez haya llegado al centro de visitantes, será la hora de comer y tendrá la oportunidad de disfrutar de una comida buffet y de la presentación de un astronauta - una buena oportunidad para sacar fotos y pedir autógrafos. Después, podrá subir al tour en autobús: DISCOVER KSC, que le llevará cerca de las plataformas de lanzamiento durante este tour guiado con una duración de dos horas. Si realmente quiere conocer el Centro Espacial de Kennedy, no tiene porqué pasarse horas caminando por el complejo y leyendo los paneles de información, ¡de esta manera lo disfrutará mucho más! Este tour le enseña zonas nunca vistas antes desde un autobús. El tour termina en el Centro Saturn V donde los visitantes podrán caminar por debajo del cohete Saturn V y tocar parte de una roca lunar.
Erkunden Sie Herculaneum, eine alte römische Stadt, die nach dem Ausbruch des Vesuvs im Jahr 79 n. Chr. Besser erhalten blieb als Pompeji
Spazieren Sie durch die gepflasterten Straßen und sehen Sie die antiken Villen, Fresken, Badehäuser und vieles mehr
Die Tour an diesen magischen Ort ist ein perfekter Tagesausflug
Dieses Ticket beinhaltet
Fast Track Zugang in Herculaneum
Dieses Ticket enthält nicht
Highlights Soak up the history and culture of this incredible medieval city, and make sure you see as much of it as you can on the Open top double decker buses. 14 stops on the route, you can hop on and off Explore the city including the famous City Walls, the Cathedral, and the Roman Amphitheatre Ticket Includes Create your itinerary. Stay as much as you want in each stop. Make as many full loops as you wish! Audio guide with pre-recorded commentaries in English. English Live Guide on some departures. 24h Unlimited Hop-on Hop-off bus tour with 360º panoramic views of Chester and surroundings. Free Booklet with deals and discounts at museums, restaurants, and other Tours. 3-month flexible ticket.
Please note On Saturdays and Mondays, this itinerary changes : The Château de Chambord is replaced by the château d’Amboise. Lunch will take place at Amboise instead of Chambord For wine tastings, the Chambord wine tasting area is replaced by the Cave des Dômes wine cellar in Chenonceau without pieces of toast In Summer (April 1 to October 31) lunch is not included. In winter (November 1 to March 31), lunch is included at the St Hubert Hotel Restaurant in Cour-Cheverny (five minutes from Cheverny). On the menu is homemade salmon terrine with lemon sauce, eggs with mixed vegetables; roast turkey with green beans, provençal tomatoes and sautéed potatoes; and warm apple tart (1/4 Bottle of wine, water, coffee or tea). Summer 2018 : Chinese : Mon, Thu, Sat English : Everyday French : Mon, Wed, Sun Japanese : Tue Portuguese : Tue, Wed, Sat Spanish : Everyday Winter 2018-2019 : Chinese : Thu, Sat English : Tue, Thu, Sat French : Sat Spanish : Tue, Thu, Sat