Er besitzt kühle und frische Fruchtnoten von Sauerkirsche, Waldbeeren und Cassis. Am Gaumen zeigt er feine, gut eingebundene Tannine und eine komplexe Struktur, dazu einen mittleren Nachhall. Passt zu Wildgeflügel- und Lammgerichten und herzhaften Käse.
Vapefly Holic MTL RDA is designed by Vapefly and Japanese vape reviewer---HORICK TV. It comes with 360
The Mad Mod by Desire is sleek in size and comfortable in hand. Powered by single 21700 battery, the Mad Mod fires to a maximum output of 108W. It is also compatible with 18650 battery. The M-tank features easy top refill and bottom airflow. Just get Mad Mod and you won't be disappointed! 0.96-inch display Powerd by 1 x 18650/21700 (Sold Separately) Easy slipper top refill Adjustable bottom airflow Maximum output of 108W Various battery protection Rebound battery cover design 510 threading connection Brand: Desire Multi-function adjust mode VW/TC-NI/TC-TI/TC-SS/TCR/PMG(Power Multiple Graph)modes Power adjustment range 5-108W Resistance range 0.08ohm-3.0ohm Output voltage 0-8V Output current 35A Tank Capacity 3.0ml Size 149.7 x 37 x 25mm
In diesem frischen Sauvignon Blanc finden sich Aromen von exotischen Früchten sowie etwas Stachelbeere wieder. Frucht auch am Gaumen, saftig-salzig, gute Länge mit fruchtbetontem Abgang. Passt zu: Spargeln, gegrilltem Gemüse, Fisch und Ziegenkäse.
SMOK FETCH PRO Pod 80W Starter Kit (FDA) is SMOK's first pod mod with USB TYPE-C. SMOK FETCH PRO is powered by single 18650 battery to support long time vaping and can fire up to max 80W output. SMOK FETCH is equipped with 0.96 inch TFT screen to show detail vaping data. SMOK Fetch Pro cartridge features adjustable dual-channel direct airflow design with two-way vertical airflow channel and side filling design. Fetch Pro RPM/RGC Pod are both designed with adjustable airflow Dual-channel direct airflow design to maximize flavor Support single 18650 battery , 5-80W output wattage New RGC Conical Mesh 0.17¦¸ coil, fast heating rate and unparalleled burst of flavor The RPM coil has upgraded with bigger volume, thicker cotton & larger airway The Fetch Pro RPM Pod is compatible with all RPM40 coils The large side bar button offers a wider pressing area for better interaction Composite material with unique texture and lustre finish Smok's first pod mod with USB Type-C, supports forward & reverse charging The brand new user interface and the core processing unit Size: 93.5 x 46 x 22mm Battery: 1 x 18650 battery(not included) Output Wattage: 5-80W Input voltage: 3.3-4.2V Output voltage: 0.5-4V Resistance range: 0.1-2.5ohm Screen: 0.96 inch TFT display Charging: 5V/2A Standby current:
Ein strohgelber Wein mit grünlichen Reflexen, intensives und anhaltendes Duftbild mit ausgeprägten mediterranen Noten von weissen Blüten und Obst. Am Gaumen präsentiert er sich sanft und frisch. Passt zu: Saute von Venusmuscheln, Shrimps-Salaten, gefüllten Miesmuscheln und Spaghetti mit Krustentieren ein Hochgenuss.