guttagliss hobbycolor sind leichte, gleichmäßig aufgeschäumte Kunststoffplatten mit geschlossener Zellstruktur, was zu einer hervorragenden Widerstandsfähigkeit gegenüber Schlägen und Kratzern führt. Guttagliss hobbycolor verfügt trotz des geringen Gewichts über hohe Eigensteifigkeit und bleibt auch nach umfanhreicher Bearbeitung stabil. guttagliss hobbycolor bietet durch seine geschlossene, seidenmatte Oberfläche optimale Weiterverarbeitungsmöglichkeiten. Bedrucken, Beschriften, Lackieren und Bekleben ist problemlos möglich. Stärke: 3 mm
ROCOL FOAM CLEANER Spray is a water based foam cleaner in aerosol format. It is NSF Registered category code A1 as suitable for use in and around food processing areas. The cleaner is also ideal for use in many other industrial environments. The product produces a fast acting white foam to efficiently clean work surfaces. The foam will cling to vertical surfaces, preventing contamination by run-off or dripping. Cuts through all general grime, grease, dirt and other workplace contamination and the foaming action ensures long contact time for effective cleaning, even on vertical surfaces, and has an anti-static formulation. Meets the requirements of The Food Safety Act 1990 and does not contain mineral hydrocarbons, animal derived materials, nut oils or genetically modified ingredients etc. Blue spray nozzle for easy identification as a foodsafe product. FDA Group 21 CFR 178-3570NSF A1 registered, Halal and Kosher certified.
Foldable design for easy storage.
Help you to minimizes mess perfectly!
Excellent quality material that is durable, wear-resisting and easy to wash.
Three separated storage bags is perfect for sorting out different things in organized.
Perfect for storing cosmetics, skin care product, underwear, socks, ties, scarves, towels, etc.
Suitable for using in the bedroom, study, living room, laundry room, bathroom, dresser, drawer or closet.