Hand Cut File for filing flat surfaces, sharp corners and shoulders as well as for deburring. A double cut file should be used for work on high-alloy tool steels. Also useful for the sharpening of heavy implements. High removal rate. Double cut on both sides - with one safe edge (a safe edge permits work in corners). Parallel sides but slightly tapered in thickness. Smooth Cut: Approx 62 teeth per 25mm (Fine).Second Cut: Approx 36 teeth per 25mm (Medium).Bastard Cut: Approx 26 teeth per 25mm (Coarse).Size 300mm (12in)Cut: hand bastard.Tanged.
Paslode IM65 chisel point brads for Impulse IM65 F16 gas brad nailer. Electro galvanised light duty protection F16 gauge lost head 1.65mm wire brads glued, supplied with Paslode Special Impulse gas fuel cells which drives up to 1,000 brads per cell.Electro Galv: Meet the Eurocode 5 requirements for all applications in service class 1 and 2 (indoor and covered outdoor) Specification - Zn and chromate minimum 7µm.