Erleben Sie Nürnberg, die Stadt mit bewegter Geschichte zwischen Kaiserzeit, mittelalterlichen Reichstagen, Nationalsozialismus und den Nürnberger Prozessen. Start der Bustour: München Bahnhofsvorplatz, jeweils am Donnerstag um 8:30 Uhr. Die Plätze sind bereits bis 20 Minuten vor der Abfahrt einzunehmen. Dauer: ca. 10 Stunden Eintritt ins Dokumentationszentrum nicht inbegriffen: 5 € pro Person Vor dem Krieg war Nürnberg "des Deutschen Reiches Schatzkästlein". Dann regnete es reichlich Bomben auf die Stadt der Reichsparteitage, aber vieles steht noch, und sehr viel wurde wieder aufgebaut. Viele der Kunstschätze überstanden das in den Bunkeranlagen, die man bei einem Rundgang entdecken kann. Besuchen Sie die mittelalterlichen Lochgefängnisse, das Germanische Nationalmuseum, das Albrecht-Dürer-Haus, das Nicolaus Copernicus Planetarium oder das Spielzeugmuseum. Im Süden Nürnbergs zeugen noch heute gigantische Baureste vom Größenwahn des nationalsozialistischen Regimes. Das Dokumentationszentrum Reichsparteitagsgelände befindet sich im Nordflügel der von den Nationalsozialisten für 50.000 Menschen konzipierten, unvollendet gebliebenen Kongresshalle. Auf 1.300 m² befasst sich die Dauerausstellung „Faszination und Gewalt“ mit den Ursachen, Zusammenhängen und Folgen der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschaft. Empfehlenswert ist auch der Besuch des „Memorium Nürnberger Prozesse - Saal 600“: Im Schwurgerichtssaal des Nürnberger Justizpalastes wurde Weltgeschichte geschrieben. Vom 20. November 1945 bis 1. Oktober 1946 mussten sich hier führende Vertreter des nationalsozialistischen Regimes vor einem internationalen Gericht für ihre Taten verantworten.
Languages: Chinese - Mandarin & Cantonese, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Russian Advisories: Clients travelling at the 6:15am departure will be served a breakfast meal A prime time supplement is in effect on this tour for departures between 9:00am-11:30am Cameras and personal items are NOT permitted on the Skywalk. Free lockers are available to store personal items The hike to the boat requires some physical effort and is not recommended for persons with moderate to extreme physical limitations Flight Duration: Approximately 70 minutes Time spent in Canyon: Approximately 4 hours Hotel Pick-Up: Passengers are picked up from most major Las Vegas hotels. Check-In: Upon arrival, check-in at our private air tour terminal. Flight: Approximately 35 minutes to Grand Canyon West. Landing: Helicopter ride to canyon's bottom. Boat Cruise: Pontoon boat cruise upriver into the Canyon. Approximately 15-20 minutes. Helicopter Return: Ascend 4,000 feet back to the canyons rim. Eagle Point and Guano Point: Venture out on the Skywalk Bridge at Eagle Point. When you're done exploring, transfer to Guano Point for more picture taking. A meal voucher is provided and can be used at one of the points. Return Flight to Hotel Drop-off: An approximate 35 minute flight back to the terminal. Once you are back you will be loaded onto a motor coach and taken back to your hotel.
Starline Tours lleva más de 80 años ofreciendo tours de famosos de Los Ángeles. Hemos visto cómo se desarrollaba la historia de Hollywood a medida que ocurría, y nuestros guías tienen un conocimiento profundo y perspectivas fascinantes que enriquecerán su experiencia. Starline Tours fue pionero en el famoso Tour por las Casas de las Estrellas de cine en 1935, y hoy es la principal empresa de visitas turísticas en Los Ángeles, que ofrece traslados diarios desde más de 250 hoteles en el área de Los Ángeles a las terminales en el Teatro Chino / Paseo de la Fama de Hollywood. Si elige no ser recogido en su hotel, este tour parte de la Terminal de Hollywood ubicada fuera del Teatro Chino TCL en el Hollywood & Highland Center en 6925 Hollywood Boulevard. Hay aparcamineto disponible en el Hollywood & Highland Center. Es un estacionamiento subterráneo con entradas en 1755 N. Highland Ave. (al lado del Hotel Loews Hollywood) y en 1754 N. Orange Dr. Por favor, asegúrese de llevar su ticket de aparcamiento al tour, para que puedan validarlo y obtener un descuento de estacionamiento.
Tower of London The Tower of London has been an integral part of British Royal history for nearly 1,000 years and is classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Only at the Tower can you marvel at the breathtaking crown jewels, stand on the execution site of three English Queens and hear the myths & legends that make the visit to the tower 'a day to die for'. Included in your Tower of London ticket: • Fit for a King Exhibition • The White Tower • The Crown Jewels • The Yeoman Warder tours • The Royal Beasts • The Prisoners Exhibition • The Ravens • The Tower Green • The Medieval Palace • And much more.... Please Note: - This attraction does not accept tickets on a mobile device to gain entry. - Groups of 10 children or above must be accompanied by an Adult - Tickets purchased in advance are valid for seven days from the date selected River Red Rover With the River Red Rover ticket you travel in luxury on a fleet of river liners and may hop on or off at any of the piers as often as you like throughout the day. As the River Thames weaves its way through the heart of London there is history around every bend and there is no better way to see and experience the sights and splendour of this great city than from one of City Cruisesmodern, wheelchair-friendly RiverLiners™. Enjoy unsurpassed views of some of London's most famous landmarks from the vantage point of our open upper decks and spacious lower saloons with panoramic windows. Take advantage of two bars providing light refreshments and snacks . Cruises depart frequently from Westminster Pier, Waterloo (London Eye) Pier, Tower Pier and Greenwich Pierevery day of the year except Christmas Day (25th December). Our shortest trips between piers last about 20-30 minutes while the full round trip takes about two-and-a-half leisurely hours.
Day(s) of Operation: Tuesdays & Fridays Description: While you are here in Portugal you cannot miss this wonderful opportunity to visit our capital. We’ll enter Lisbon via the impressive 25th April suspension bridge (with unbelievable views). Our visits include- Belem Tower, Jeronimos Monastery, Monument to the Discoveries, Alfama (old Jewish sector). Free time for shopping, visiting St. Geroge Castle or just wondering around this enchanting city, followed by a visit to the site of the Expo ́98. Return to Algarve via the Vasco da Gama Bridge, the longest in Eurpoe.
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