Objets cultes de notre enfance (Les) D?couvrez plus de 150 objets cultes de l'enfance, des ann?es 1940 aux ann?es 1980, qui ? l'heure d'internet et du virtuel, ont travers? le temps, et sont pour la plupart ch?ris et collectionn?s par les enfants de...
These Vitrex Long Leg Spacers provide an easy way to achieve a more professional tiling finish. They ensure a constant and even spacing of tiles, allowing for the specified size in grout line. The tiles spacers have easily breakable legs for T-shape spacers. They are easier to handle than standard tile spacers and allow for a 2mm grout line. Supplied in a resealable bag.Vitrex LLS2250 Long Leg Spacer Size: 2mm.Pack Size: 250.
The Lessmann End Brushes are fitted with a 6mm shank for cleaning and de-burring in hard to reach areas. They are ideal for the removal of paint and the cleaning of moulds and castings. Also for working on edges and recesses and the inside of bores etc.The Lessmann Pointed End Brush With Shank has the following specification: Wire Type: Steel.Diameter: 23mm.Wire Height: 25mm.Wire Gauge: 0.30.Max Speed: 18,000/rpm.
1 Bogen (ca. 21 cm x 30 cm) mit dekorativen 3-D Sticker "Deluxe Anhänger" in verschiedenen Größen (Ø ca. 1,1 cm bis 8,5 cm x 9,5 cm) und Designs, weiß. Material: Kunststoff.
Masajeador muscular eléctrico de 12 V Percusión portátil Vibrante Pistolas de masaje potentes Masajeador muscular de tejido profundo de mano para cuello Espalda Hombros Pie pierna
The Roughneck Bonsai Claw Bar is manufactured from drop forged alloy steel that has been hardened and tempered. With a painted finish and polished tips. Its low profile claw design means it can easily fit into small spaces. There is also a nail removing head and a heel that can be struck with a hammer.