RAPESCO Heftgerät Snapper, Heftleistung: 20 Blatt, schwarz Einlegetiefe: 38 mm, für Heftklammern 26/6 oder 24/6 mm, - 1 Stück (R53800B1)
The Lucca Office Chair in Charcoal is the ultimate choice for those looking for a contemporary chair which benefits from comfort and support. This ergonomic office chair includes a twist lumbar back support, plus knee tilt adjustment which is lockable in the upright position. Further comfort is offered through the soft fabric upholstery, which is available in both Charcoal and Blue. The user can adjust the seat to their preference with the gas height adjustment and user weight tension control features. The fabric padded fixed arms give the user additional support. The Lucca chair features a designed stitch back and seat pattern, and is finished with a black and silver nylon 5 star base. This style compliements the Lucca Visitor Chair in Charcoal.
Gasdruck - Großraummine, hochwertige Qualität, robuste Edelstahlspitze, Metallgehäuse, Strichstärke M, Schreibfarbe blau, dokumentenecht, ISO 12757-2 G2, tropenfest, wasserfest. Erhältlich auch in der Schreibfarbe schwarz. Die Gasdrucktechnik stellt alles auf den Kopf! Diese hoch entwickelten Schreibaggregate basieren auf einem Überdruck im Inneren der Mine. Das ermöglicht nicht nur ein Schreiben über Kopf oder unter schwierigen Umgebungsbedingungen, sondern erlaubt auch höchste Schreibgeschwindigkeiten. Mit der Gasdruckmine lässt sich vom Nutzer in jeder nur erdenklichen Situation problemlos schreiben und zeichnen – das Nonplusultra in Sachen Minentechnologie. Schreibgeräte mit Gasdruck Minen sind ein zuverlässiger Partner– immer und überall. Das hermetisch verschlossene System macht die Minen darüber hinaus nahezu unbegrenzt lagerfähig. Edelstahlspitzen in höchster Präzision sowie besondere Schreibpasten, die speziell für das Gasdruck-System entwickelt wurden, kommen hier zum Einsatz. 1 Stück in der Verpackung
Standing tall and proud, this premium glass water pipe is made of high-quality glass and gives you a sensational smoking experience any time you use it. With its spiral diffuser, this water pipe gives you a smooth and clean feeling smoke that is sure to satisfy. With this piece in your collection, its sure to make any glass aficionado happy and become a new favorite. This glass piece has an 18mm Female joint that will fit 18mm Male accessories and replacements.
Each Clipper Cork cased lighter is hand sewn into each unique case. These lighters each feature a colorful design of paisley, dots and swirls, and even tiny skulls, and are still soft to the touch. Improved features such as a packing tool, replaceable flints, and refillable containers result in clipper lighters making a drastic rise above the other inexpensive lighter options! So grab one or all six and start collecting these unique lighters today! You will receive 1 randomly selected design or a full 6 pack.
Venice Office Desk Screen- Light Blue / Marianna YB157 The Silverline Venice desk screen is designed to fit most office desking systems available online. This stylish straight desk screen features a slim PVC trim available in a choice of finishes including black, white and silver. The screen is supplied with 16-33mm spigot brackets as standard which allow it to fit the majority of office desks available on our site. The Venice non-linking screen is available in various sizes, including the 480mm tall screen option, and a wide variety of colour options. If you would like to request a colour sample, or the colour you wish is not in the drop-down colour selection list*, please call 01355 236117 for pricing and advice. *images shown are for information purposes only, if in doubt PLEASE REQUEST A COLOUR SAMPLE or view the whole range at Camira Fabrics