120 Quilling-Papierstreifen, 54 cm lang, 5 mm breit, 6 verschiedene Violett-/Grautöne, ca. 120 g/m².
Coloriages extraordinaires Le th?me qui cartonne sur le segment des arts cr?atifs. 100 dessins ? colorier pour d?stresser, sur un papier sp?cial coloriage (au feutre ou au crayon). Des motifs vari?s, ? diff?rents niveaux de difficult?. Une reliure...
Dimension = 21cm. Lavable en machine a 30 C. Fabriqueau Sri Lanka 100 % coton issu de l Agriculture Biologique
These Facom 12-point OGV sockets have a 3/8 inch drive to fit 3/8 inch ratchets. The sockets are long-reach, and their OGV profile allows tightening torque to be applied to the sides, rather than to the angles of the nut/bolt. They are an excellent choice for tightening/loosening harder to reach nuts, bolts and other fasteners.Available in a range of different metric sizes.Performance: conform to ISO 2725-1, DIN 3124 and NF ISO 2725-1.The FCMJ10LA Deep Socket has the following specifications:Socket size: 10.0mm.Length: 55mm.
Portátil de silicio 61 llaves rueda para arriba del teclado de piano electrónico de MIDI con una función de altavoz
Juego de herramientas Luthier de acero inoxidable Lijadora de acero inoxidable con cortador plano de dedos de 8 mm