Strohgelb, zart blumiger Duft, fruchtig, frisch und lebhaft. Passt zu: Spaghetti, Fisch und Krustentieren. Eignet sich auch hervorragend als Aperitif.
A flavor for all the senses This tea has a beautiful color in the cup. It is an intense, bright red and an exquisite taste. The full-bodied cranberry tea makes for a fruity-tart experience that blends well with venison. The mild, fruity-tart flavor of Cranberry Pleasure smells berry nice and has a bitter orange flavor. The flavor is dominated by the bitter sweet notes of cranberry, but it is rounded off by a fresh bitter orange flavor. Ingredients: organic cranberries (30%), organic rose hips, organic apple pieces, organic hibiscus, organic orange peel 18 teabags at 2.8 g
Sattes Granatrot, ansprechender Duft von Sauerkirschen, roten Beeren, etwas Unterholz und Rauch, am Gaumen saftige Fülle, zarte Tanninstruktur, mit würzigem Nachhall. Ein trinkfreudiger und finessenreicher Essensbegleiter. Aus biologischem Anbau
Condiment sale a base de sesame et d algues. Saveur marine. Riche en magnesium et en fer. Origine: Agriculture UE / non UE Ingredients:Sesame complet toaste, algues francaises (4,5%), sel marin (4%) issus de l agriculture biologique Allergenes presents: Contient du sesame, Traces d allergenes: consulter le fabricant Conseils d utilisation: A saupoudrer sur les salades, legumes cuits a la vapeur, pates, cereales,hellip; A conserver dans un endroit sec et frais, a l abri de la lumiere. Pot carton recyclable avec couvercle saupoudreur compostable Certifie AB
These N80 coils are perfect for advanced vapers who may not have the time to build, or any vapers looking to experience the quality vaping experience that comes from the more advanced coils. Name: Pre-made Coil Wire Brand Demon Killer Metarial N80 Coil AWG 28GA*2+38GA Resistance 0.4ohm Quantity 6