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?Working Principle?After inflated, it can provide a traction and enough decompression for waist spine to elongate the intervertebral space in lumbar spine, and to reduce vertebral burden alleviate back pain.
?Relax Muscle Disease?It can relax lumbar muscle spasm, strain and pain.
?Help Treatment Relief?Reliable to help relief pain of degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, sciatica, spondylolysis, pain in back, hip, thighs, legs and feet caused by bulging discs and herniated discs.
?Good Lumbar Support?Design to maintain proper posture, help intervertebral disc, nucles pulposus back to its natural position.
?Hand Pump Inflation?Equip with hand pump to adjust air pressure manually. With air pressure gauge to monitor the whole process.
?4 Size Selectable?4 size for people in different waistline: S(24.9-28.8);M(30.1-34.1);L(35.4-39.3);XL(40.7-43.3).
?Double Strap Design?Double inside and outside adjustable strap to provide good fasten function, help to back support.
?Widely Usage Product?Suits people who doing strenous work, heavy lifting, driving, and people with upper disease. Can be used at home, office, car, standing or sitting use acceptable. Light-weight, can be wear over thin clothes.
?FDA CE Approved?Good product, reliable with FDA and CE certificates.
StarWhite Lightening is ideal for addressing intimate regions, aiming to lighten & brighten with an innovative balanced formula. The Star White skin lightening cream was created with sensitivity considered, including nourishing Aloe Vera. All it requires is an easy & discreet twice daily application.
Fleur De Bach Elixir Heather n14 Bruyere 20ml Biofloral bull; Humeur : solitude bull; Numero fleur : 14 bull; Nom anglais : Heather bull; Emotions/desequilibre: du a l egocentrisme et la difficulte a communiquer bull; Changement positif: ouverture et altruisme, communication reelle Flacon compte goutte de 20ml en etui, ingredients 100% biologiques logos AB bio, controle Ecocert La qualite biologique de Biofloral Le Dr Bach a consacre les 10 dernieres annees de sa vie a l etude et la reconnaissance de 38 Elixirs Floraux, ainsi qu a leur methode de fabrication. Il a reconnu dans la nature les fleurs qui repondent favorablement aux emotions difficiles. Les Elixirs floraux sont elabores dans les montagnes d Auvergne en respectant rigoureusement la methode originale du Dr Bach. Les fleurs sauvages sont cueillies le matin au lever du soleil au moment ou leur potentiel est a son maximum.
El Jabon Hidratante Emuaid ha sido disenado para hidratar y proteger las pieles danadas, irritadas y secas. El Jabon Hidratante Emuaid estimula la renovacion de la piel y contiene Emu, Arbol de Te y Aceite de Jojoba en una formula completamente natural apta para el cuerpo y la cara