Der Badespaß geht wieder los. Du hättest vorher gern eine coole Herren Badehose ? Dann schau dir die Champion Boardshort an. Das schwarze Schmuckstück passt immer. Ein Gummibund sorgt für einen perfekten, bequemen Sitz. Am linken Bein hast du ein Logo-Print.
Slim-fit and low-rise swim brief made from soft and resistant microfiber. Contrast yokes on the side and upper back. Sporty cut offering comfort and support. Fully lined. Elastic waistband with drawstring. Tribe logo on the left hip. Made in Australia.
Sexy low-rise swim brief. Removable Pack Up inside. Large AD logo digitally printed on front and back. Elastic waistband with inner drawstring. Made in Barcelona.
Padded Floral Print Plus Size One Piece Swimsuit
Bowknot Striped Halter Tankini and Boyshort