Designed specifically for thinning hair in men and women, this Thinning Hair Supplement by foligain is made with an advanced bioactive nutrient complex and natural ingredients including Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng and Serenoa Repens. It is also vegan and vegetarian friendly.
Le peigne laser Foliactive Laser Comb a ete concu pour aider les personnes aux cheveux fins et clairsemes a retrouver des cheveux forts, epais et en bonne sante. Sa technologie laser agit sur le cuir chevelu pour stimuler et revigorer les follicules pileux pour favoriser une repousse saine et dense.
Haarbildende Fasern Finishing Spray eignet sich ideal zum Fixieren von Haarfasern, um den Halt langanhaltend zu gestalten. Haarbildende Fasern Finishing Spray enthalt Grunen Tee und Minzextrakte, enthalt keine Sulfate, Parabene oder Alkohol und wurde nicht an Tieren getestet. Sie konnen es bei Bedar
Get fully gorgeous with the Double Up 211 strip lash! This style combines two lashes in one: the bottom lash adds fullness, while the top lash adds feathery flare, for a super glam lash that is twice the drama, twice the intensity, and twice the fun. - Full volume, medium length - Flared lash style: shorter at the inner corner and longer at the outer corner - Staggered lengths - Black
40mm wide, high grade steel t blade ideal for trimming, precise neck and beard outlining high speed motor fully charges in just 120 minutes super light at just 135g with low noise output
Le Pack Foligain Femme 3 en 1 Anti Chute de Cheveux regroupe 3 produits (Shampoing, Apres-Shampoing & Lotion) pour sadresser aux problemes de cheveux amincis et affines. Grace a leur formule unique au Trioxidil testee cliniquement, ils renforcent, revitalisent et hydratent votre cuir chevelu.