Enjoy a one night stay at the George Hotel with dinner, breakfast & a bottle of bubbly included.
Hermits Trail is a steep, rocky path below the rim
Guests must be able to walk independently (no canes, walkers or wheelchairs)
Children must be a minimum of 7 years old
Tour may be seasonal depending on weather
The world-famous 86th and 102nd floor Observatories offer unmatched views of New York City and on a clear day one can see to New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Delaware. 1,050 feet above the city’s bustling streets, the 86th floor Observatory offers panoramic views from within a glass-enclosed pavilion and from the surrounding open-air promenade. 200 feet higher, our 102nd floor Observatory is a private and serene perch in the middle of the greatest city in the world.
The Observatories have been a “must visit” for millions each year since it opened to the public in 1931. Each year approximately four million people are whisked to our 86th and 102nd floors, consistently one of New York City’s top tourist attractions. Visit the Observatories 365 days per year, day and night, rain or shine, for magnificent views of Manhattan and beyond.
The Empire State Building embodies the feeling and spirit of New York City. It is recognized not only as an iconic landmark offering some of the most spectacular views on earth, but also as an international symbol of shared hopes, dreams, and accomplishment.
Accessibility: The Empire State Building is fully ADA compliant. We have handicapped restrooms on the 86th Floor Observatory and also have lowered viewing walls and binoculars. Service dogs are allowed throughout the building. Motorized and non-motorized wheelchairs are permitted. The 86th Floor has ramps to make getting around easier and lowered viewing walls so that visitors in chairs can still take in the view.
Additional Options:
102nd Floor Observatory: Upgrade available at Observatory ticket office (2nd floor) or 86th floor kiosk for an additional $20.00.
Express Pass: Purchase exclusively from the official Empire State Building onsite ticket office on the day of arrival to move to the front the line.
Dining: State Grill and Bar offers a prix fixe dinner package to observatory guests with fresh locally sourced foods prepared in our glass enclosed kitchen and unique, local craft beers and cocktails. There are also two Starbucks, a café, Chipotle, Sushi-teria, and the budget minded Heartland Brewery.
Building Information
1,050 feet to the 86th floor Observatory
1,250 feet to the 102nd floor Observatory
1,453 feet, 8 9/16 inches to the tip of the broadcast tower
Broadcast tower adds 203 feet 8 9/16 inches
103 floors
1,872 steps to the 103rd floor
Sits on 79,288 square feet, approximately 2 acres
Weighs 365,000 tons
Volume is 37 million cubic feet
200,000 cubic feet of Indiana limestone & granite exterior cladding
An estimated ten million bricks were used in construction
730 tons of aluminum and stainless steel were used in construction
57,000 tons of steel were used in construction
Contains 473 miles of electrical wiring and 70 miles of pipe
6,514 windows
210 columns at the base support the entire weight of the building
Construction was completed in one year and 45 days
Seven million man-hours went into constructing the Empire State Building
Final cost of property and construction was $41 million
73 elevators
Five entrances
2.85 million rentable square feet
After Seeing the New York Skyline from above why not see it below with a sightseeing open top bus tour
Take a further 20% off using the code 'ESB15' in the basket
The price can vary according to visit date and time selected. Twilight This climb departs as the day closes. Get the best of both worlds as you soak up the day’s disappearing light while the moon takes its nightshift. 5 Things you need to know before your climb Health & Safety Your health and safety is important: If you are pregnant or have any pre-existing health conditions you may need to provide a doctor’s Certificate of Fitness note before you climb. You must have a blood-alcohol reading below 0.05 to climb (the same as if you are driving). You will be asked to complete a BridgeClimb Declaration Form before your Climb. Please be honest about your health so we can ensure your wellbeing is not at risk. All discussions will be confidential. Preparations How should you prepare for your Climb: Ensure that you have eaten before your Climb and you’re well-hydrated – the experience can last up to 3 ½ hours. Wear comfortable, enclosed rubber-soled shoes such as running, sport or hiking shoes and don’t forget your sunglasses. It is recommend to wear comfortable clothing. You will be equipped with everything else you need for your Climb! Ensure you arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled Climb time to allow enough time to check in. Personal Belongings All your personal belongings can be stored in lockers, including cameras: there are FREE secure lockers for you to keep your personal belongings in, including phones, cameras and GoPros. The Climb Leaders will capture photos of you during your Climb. For safety and security reasons, cameras, video technology and mobile devices are prohibited on the Climb. Restrictions You must be 8 years old and 1.2 metres in height, or taller: Children aged 8 to 15 must be accompanied by and are the responsibility of an adult, with a maximum of three children per adult. Weather Conditions Climbs operate in all weather conditions: You will equipped with all the gear you need to keep you dry, but remember to bring your own shoes, which should be enclosed, like running shoes. In case of extreme weather conditions like electrical storms or during times of extremely high wind, Climbs may be postponed.
Catégorie:Sac à Chaussures,Organisateur de voyage,Sac de Voyage pour Chaussures; Activité:Voyage; Quantité:1pc; Forme:Carré; Fonction Première:Vêtements; Matériau:Tissu; Dimensions:/; Fonction:Résistant à la poussière,Séchage rapide,Durable,Grande Capacité,Epais,Pliable,Ultra léger (UL),Rangement de Voyage; Poids Net:0.038; Pays populaire:Brésil,Australie,France,États Unis,France, DOM-TOM Réunion; Produits spéciaux sélectionnés:COD
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