Highlights Explore the Shakespeare’s hometown and explore places where the creative genius was brought to life and raised Ticket Includes 1 bus tour route & 11 stops around the city, including all main sights & attractions. Create your own itinerary to explore Stratford hopping on and off whenever you wish. 24/48h Unlimited Hop-on Hop-off bus tour with 360-degree panoramic views of Stratford. Audio commentary in 7 languages. Live commentary in English and kids commentary also in English. Choose to extend your tour to 48h (saving 25%). Flexible 3-month ticket.
Elementos a destacar: La plataforma de observación más alta de Londres a 310 m de altura – la más alta de Europa Occidental. Impresionantes vistas panorámicas de 360 grados que permiten ver hasta 64 km del skyline de Londres. El asombroso skydeck al aire libre que le permitirá sentir la brisa y oír los sutiles sonidos de la ciudad bajo sus pies. Telescopios digitales informativos que le llevarán a través del pasado, presente y futuro de la capital. Tiempo ilimitado, ¡disfrute las vistas a su ritmo! Relájese con una copa de champán en la experiencia con champán a más altura de Londres. Ascensores considerablemente rápidos que viajan a 6 metros por segundo. Busque en la tienda de regalos suvenires únicos. Guías multimedia gratuitas en 11 idiomas diferentes. La entrada incluye: Entrega inmediata de las entradas. Imprima su vale y muéstrelo en la taquilla de The View from The Shard. Razones para visitar The Shard The Shard es un edificio icónico y un punto de referencia del skyline de Londres, diseñado por el Maestro Arquitecto Renzo Piano. Con una altura de 310 metros, el edificio más alto de toda Europa Occidental, The Shard redefine el skyline de Londres y será un símbolo dinámico de la ciudad, reconocible en todo el mundo. The View está situado en la parte superior de The Shard, en los pisos 68, 69 y 72, y a casi el doble de altura que cualquier otra plataforma de observación en Londres. Prepárese para embarcar en un viaje multi-sensorial 244 metros por encima de una de las más grandes ciudades del mundo. Al llegar al nivel 00, se le introducirá en el tapiz de Londres con vistazos a la ciudad que ha dejado detrás de usted. Viajando hacia el cielo con dos ascensores de gran velocidad y “caleidoscópicos” que le harán llegar rápida y cómodamente al Piso 68, una ventana por encima del mundo. Continúe su viaje hacia la Planta 69 donde la genial vista se revela y Londres se abre ante usted. Aquí, en el cielo sobre Londres, podrá experimentar una sorprendente vista de 64 km y 360 grados de la ciudad y más allá, donde el pasado, presente y futuro de Londres se desplegará a sus pies gracias a pantallas multimedia. Para vivir la mejor vista de la ciudad, ascienda al Nivel 72, a 244 m, el piso público más alto de The Shard. Aquí estará expuesto a los elementos y sonidos de la ciudad a su alrededor. Mirando hacia arriba, verá las piezas de cristal que forman la parte superior de este rascacielos mientras desaparecen en el cielo. En este enlace podrá ver las horas en las que se pone el Sol en Londres POR FAVOR TENGA EN CUENTA: Si no presenta su vale impreso para The Shard no le será permitida la entrada. Los niños deben ir acompañados de un adulto. Puede combinar su visita a The Shard con otras atracciones y actividades famosas en Londres como La Torre de Londres o el London Eye.
30 Minute Scenic Nature Tour Discover territory that remains unaltered by man in the wilderness of the Central Florida Everglades. Let the experienced Master Captains take you into the breathtaking beauty of natural wonders, including wetlands, cypress trees, and wildlife. Ride with a certified U.S. Coast Guard Captain and see Florida Alligators, turtles, birds and more in their natural environment. This safe, exciting and educational airboat ride is filled with surprises and fascination. View wildlife on a U.S. Coast Guard Inspected 17 passenger airboat. Each airboat tour is a unique experience and never the same. You will enjoy whisking across the surface of the water at speeds up to 45 mph while shooting between walls of tall grass. NOTE: The best time to see alligators is early in the morning (before 10:00) during hot weather and later in the day in the cold. You don't have to be a space junkie to enjoy NASA's Kennedy Space Center, the only spot in the United States from which humans have been hurled into space. The plethora of hands-on exhibits, IMAX movies, and sheer magnitude of the shuttles will surely impress the most passive fan. Space Shuttle Atlantis℠ Your journey begins in the Atlantis theater where we bring to life the story of the people who dared to do the impossible. Gaze in wonder at a close-up view of Space Shuttle Atlantis, displayed in mid-flight glory. With more than 60 interactive exhibits, it's a moving celebration of humankind’s greatest achievements. Twin IMAX® Theater 3D Films Two incredible, five-story 3D presentations tell stories certain to inspire. One explores breathtaking images of Earth in A Beautiful Planet, and the other details projects that NASA is currently working on, like sending astronauts to Mars. Shuttle Launch Experience® Shuttle Launch Experience immerses visitors in the sights, sounds and feelings of a Space Shuttle launch, an incredible journey of launching into space and orbiting Earth aboard a Space Shuttle. Guest crewmembers strap in and go vertical for launch in a one-of-a-kind custom-designed crew cabin. Meet an Astronaut You’re invited to meet a veteran NASA astronaut at the live Astronaut Encounter show. Offered multiple times daily, this exciting presentation features an astronaut every day with more than 30 of the approximately 500 hundred men and women who have flown in space scheduled throughout the year. Numerous Shows and Exhibits* Space Shuttle Atlantis℠ Exhibit Your journey begins in the Atlantis theater where we bring to life the story of the people who dared to do the impossible. Gaze in wonder at a close-up view of Space Shuttle Atlantis, displayed in mid-flight glory. With more than 60 interactive exhibits, it's a moving celebration of humankind’s greatest achievements. Appollo/Saturn V Center Relive the wonder and excitement of the Apollo era in this one-of-a-kind exhibit that celebrates the unprecedented achievement of putting man on the moon and the joy felt in that moment by all humankind. Rocket Garden At NASA, it is often said that we stand on the shoulders of giants. Nowhere is that more apparent than in the Rocket Garden. Behind every rocket you see are great men and women engineers and astronauts, designers and thinkers who turned dreams into history. It is here you find the first rocket to break free from gravity. Eyes on the Universe Journey through time and space to the farthest reaches of the universe at “Eyes on the Universe: NASA’S Space Telescopes,” the newest and only 3D 4K resolution show at Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex. NASA Now After discovering the history of America’s space program at Kennedy Space Center, view the NASA Now exhibit in the West Gallery of IMAX Theater building to explore the future of NASA’s Commercial Crew program and the Journey to Mars! Astronaut Memorial At the Astronaut Memorial, we honor NASA’s fallen heroes, those among the elite astronaut corps who gave their lives in the pursuit of knowledge that lies beyond our Earth. Journey To Mars: Explorers Wanted The future of space travel lies with you. Learn more about what it takes to explore Mars in this inspiring show. Exhibits provide a look at prototypes and designs that will launch the next generation to Mars and beyond, including rovers, simulators, and the Orion crew capsule. Children's Play dome Imaginations will soar at the Children's Play Dome, a one-of-a-kind space-themed playground. With the majestic Rocket Garden as a backdrop, children can take off in a spacecraft, climb a moon rock wall, crawl through rocket tunnels and slide to the surface of the Moon. KSC Bus Tour There’s no better way to get a glimpse of Kennedy Space Center than on one of our daily tours, departing by bus every 15 minutes from the Visitor Complex. Our experienced tour guides will take you past some of the most iconic NASA landmarks.
National Geographic Encounter Itinerario Su viaje por Encounter comienza como una visita guiada, donde experimentará una batalla entre dos calamares de Humboldt, visitará un arrecife de coral luminoso por la noche y más. Una vez que “nade” a través de un bosque de algas marinas, continuará a su propio ritmo, mientras se encuentra en medio de un magnífico frenesí de alimentación y se acerca a una ballena jorobada de 15 metros de tamaño natural. Luego profundizará aún más en su aventura en Exploration Hall. Escuche historias impresionantes de fotógrafos de National Geographic y exploradores de aguas profundas. Acepta juegos desafiantes en el océano. Aprenda sobre las maravillas más grandes y las criaturas más poderosas del mar. VR World NYC Experiencias Hay una amplia variedad de experiencias para todo el mundo. Algunos se divertirán disparando a droides en el espacio y luchando contra zombies, o quizás corriendo en una carrera, mientras que otros preferirán volar en parapente o escalar una montaña. También podrá disfrutar con cortometrajes en un mundo de realidad virtual o pintando en la green verde. Algunas experiencias requieren mover todo el cuerpo mientras que otras se realizan sentado. Colas Cada participante tiene aproximadamente entre 5 y 10 minutos en cada experiencia. La mayoría de las experiencias tienen un panel con un tiempo de espera para cada una de ellas. Los visitantes sólo pueden esperar en una cola a la vez. Sin embargo, hay algunas experiencias que no tienen cola y se pueden realizar en cualquier momento, incluso mientras espera en una cola para otra experiencia. Los participantes que se hayan inscrito con su teléfono móvil recibirán un mensaje de texto cuando les llegue su turno en la cola. Registro En la entrada, cada participante se registrará usando su nombre real, un pseudónimo, un correo electrónico, el número de teléfono y alguna otra información. Aunque no es obligatorio, si los participantes dan su número de teléfono recibirán una notificación cuando estén los primeros en la cola de las atracciones. Después de este proceso, se dará una pulsera a los participantes que servirá para entrar en la cola de cualquier experiencia VR y serán libres para explorar todo el lugar. Comida y bebida Hay una amplia oferta de bebidas no-alcohólicas, cerveza, vino y licores. Los cócteles de la casa no le decepcionarán. Podrá probar el VRWorldian, el Simon's Escape, el Caipirinha Assassin o el Salty Borzoi, sólo para nombrar algunos. No hay comida disponible. Aunque no hay comida dentro del edificio, los visitantes son libres de salir y entrar del edificio mientras dure el tiempo de su entrada.
About the Tour THE DOWNTOWN LOOP The Downtown Loop is the best way to explore Lower Manhattan including popular neighborhoods such as the Flatiron District, Union Square, Little Italy, Chinatown, Soho & NoHo, Greenwich Village & the East Village, Chelsea and the Financial District. Wander around Wall St. to see the infamous Stock Exchange and charging bull, eat your way through Little Italy and Chinatown then shop till you drop at all the high end or boutique stores SoHo is famous for! You’ll also find the Brooklyn Bridge and access to our Brooklyn Loop and sightseeing cruise on the Downtown Loop. Duration:2.5Hours Operates: Summer Hours 08:00 –18:00 Winter Hours until 17:00 Frequency: every 15-20 minutes THE UPTOWN LOOP The Uptown Loop takes you from Midtown, up around Central Park and through cultural Harlem. Home to some of New York’s most popular Museums, the Upper East & West Side are where you can go to get lostin history and the arts exploring the American Museum of Natural History, the Museum of the City of New York, the Guggenheim and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Take in a Jazz or Gospel performance up in Harlem and discover the largest Anglican Church in the world, the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. Duration: 2 Hours Operates: Summer Hours 09:00 –18:00 Winter Hours until 17:00 Frequency: every 20-25minutes
Make WonderWorks a stop on your Things to Do list when visiting Orlando. WonderWorks Orlando began as a Top Secret research laboratory on a remote island in the Bermuda Triangle. As legend has it, the world’s greatest scientists – led by Professor Wonder – were given the task of creating a man-made tornado and harnessing the POWER of it. During this experiment, something went awry and the power of the tornado was unleashed throughout the laboratory. This created a swirling vortex that was strong enough to rip the laboratory from its foundation. It was carried thousands of miles away and landed upside-down on the top of a brick warehouse in Orlando, Florida. Remarkably, all of the experiments remained intact and functional. When you enter the building, everything will be upside-down, so in order to participate in the fun, you must be inverted. Step inside the inversion tunnel and be turned right side up to begin your journey. Once you are properly aligned for your adventure, family fun awaits with more than 100 hands on exhibits. Kids Eat Free Card - Orlando To use your Kids Eat Free Card, simply present it to your server or cashier at time of ordering. Valid at only participating restaurants. The following restrictions apply: Kids Eat Free Card cannot be used with any other discounts or offers. Each Kids Eat Free Card is valid for 1 child (11 years of age or younger) with full price paying adult entree. (Example: 2 children with 2 Kids Eat Free Cards, with 2 full price paying adult entree's.) Kids Eat Free Card child's menu items may vary from standard restaurant's child menu choices in some cases. (unless otherwise stated) Kids Eat Free Card Meals may not apply to taxes, gratuities, bar drinks or take away food. Card is Non-Refundable and Non-Transferable. Card expires 90 Days from first use. Participating restaurants may be removed from accepting card offer without prior notice. Click here to view and print a live, up to date listing.