The Accuri sets the benchmark for premium performance at an obtainable price allowing you to silently focus on your competition. Crafted from the finest materials, the Accuri ensures optimal performance with an enhanced field of vision. Features
Lens: Comes equipped with anti-fog, scratch resistant Lexan lens for unimpaired vision. Shares the same lens shape across the product line Lens Attachment: 9 pin lens retention system. The highest number of retention points in the industry ensures a secure fit Strap: Oversized 45mm silicon coated strap holds your goggles motionless Simplicity: All 100% Adult MX goggles share the same lens and tear-off profile In the Box: Mirrored Lens models include: An extra clear lens and a sublimated microfiber bag. Clear Lens models include: A sublimated microfiber bag
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Ventilation system: Adjustable, indexed front and rear vents with aero-tuned rear spoiler reduce lift, create vacuum and maximize airflow through helmet. Breath-deflector: Enhanced fog-free performance. Chin-cover: contributes to noise reduction. Closing chinstrap by double D ring.
AIRFIT concept Airfit⢠permits a rider to personalize helmet fit through air adjustable cheek pads with additional noise reduction.Only by SCORPION EXO! Pinlock® MAXVISION Fitting perfectly into the specially depressed area of the faceshield, the Pinlock® creates continuous air pressure through the compression force, which in turn stops condensation â and thus fogging â from occurring even when the temperature difference between the outside and the inside of the helmet increases. SpeedView⢠An internal retractable sun visor that eases eye strain instantly in varying light conditions without changing face shields. KWIKWICK3® LINER Very effective, hypoallergenic, removable, machine washable, and very soft and pleasant to the touch, the KwikWick3® lining of the new ScorpionExo® 2015 range is a real custom-made slipper for your head. TCT® Thermodynamical Composite Technology Extremely light, the new TCT® structure provides a level of protection as yet unseen in the world of helmets. This smart shell is able to gradually crumple on impact, which allows it to absorb most of the energy generated by the shock, while retaining one of the strongest structures.
The next generation of our best-selling DIRT LID: now with Zone Flex technology The EPS liner is made of of segments that can flex giving more comfort and allowing for more ventilation The segmented EPS contruction gives a more comfortable fit with improved airflow Lightweight ABS shell O`Neal Fidlock magnetic buckle for easy, single- handed fastening and release 14 large vents to keep your head cool Removable pads for easy washing and tailored fit Exceeds EN1078 safety standard for bicycle helmets
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Der Rumble Roller wurde speziell für die Massage des tieferliegenden Gewebes konzipiert. Er verfügt über Noppen, die ein gleichmäßiges Kneten und ein optimales Erreichen der Triggerpunkte ermöglichen. Durch die versetzte Anordnung der Noppen wird die entsprechende Körperpartie während der Anwendung besonders effektiv bearbeitet. Der RumbleRoller ist in drei verschiedenen Größen und zwei Härtegraden erhältlich: Größen: Groß - 80cm empfohlen für großflächige Körperpartien zB.Rücken, Fitnesstudios Mittel - 55cm geeignet für alle Körperpartien, platzsparendere Aufbewahrung Klein - 30 cm perfekt für unterwegs, für kleinere Muskelpartien wie Nacken oder Arme Härtegrade: Blau - Standard empfohlen für den Wechsel von gewöhnlichen Faszienrollen mit glatter Oberfläche zu RumbleRoller Schwarz - Xfirm Extrafest 36 härter als die Standard-Variante. Dringt noch tiefer in das Gewebe ein für besonders intensive Triggerpunktbehandlung. Ideal für Personen, die bereits mit dem RumbleRoller arbeiten Produktdetails: Material: EVA/Polyolefine, EVA-Schaumstoff Kern Abmessungen: klein - 30 cm 12 cm mittel - 55cm 14 cm groß - 80 cm 15 cm wasserdicht & latexfrei