Der Badespaß geht wieder los. Du hättest vorher gern eine coole Herren Badehose ? Dann schau dir die Champion Boardshort an. Das schwarze Schmuckstück passt immer. Ein Gummibund sorgt für einen perfekten, bequemen Sitz. Am linken Bein hast du ein Logo-Print.
features contrast print design, long cover-up with long sleeves, bikini top with no padding, and matching bottoms with high waist. The tree pieces will perfectly show your killer curves. Features: Made from soft and breathable fabric. Allover print design, chic and trendy. Long cover-up with long sleeves. Bikini top with short sleeves. Matching bottoms with high waist. It has been cut with a slim fit.
Low-rise swim brief made from comfortable and resistant fabric. Perfectly fitted cut. The side notch is highlighted by an elastic tape and a contrast edge. Removable Pack Up System. Branded drawstring. ES Collection silicone logo at the back. Made in Barcelona.
Features: Made from fine fabric, soft and comfy. Strapless bandeau style and high-rise waist. Padded cups and wire free styling. Cut with a bodycon fit.