GO WEST! Explore the rugged canyons and soaring spires for which Sedona is famous. Take in the awe-inspiring beauty of these unique canyons as your knowledgeable guide acquaints you with rock formations that seem to appear from nowhere. Always beautiful; extraordinary at sunset!
Bus Turístico El autobús con paradas y las vistas panorámicas le permiten disfrutar de Berlín a su propio ritmo. Además con Berlín City Sightseeing tendrá la oportunidad de realizar dos rutas para explorar la ciudad. Haga sus compras en la parada 1, Tauentzienstrasse, el área comercial más importante de Berlín, o baje en la parada 2 y visite las grandes tiendas de Kaufhaus des Westens, más conocido como KaDeWe. Pero si lo que le gusta es tenerlo todo en un solo lugar, baje en la parada 8 para visitar el centro comercial Alexa de 5 plantas. A medida que avance en su recorrido, disfrute de la vista de la plaza Potsdamer Platz desde la comodidad del autobús. Sienta la historia en la parada 4, Muro de Berlín, lugar que cambió la historia de Alemania. En la parada de autobús 6, encontrará la plaza The Gendarmenmarkt, un punto de interés arquitectónico en el que verá la sala de conciertos Konzerthaus y las iglesias francesa y alemana. En el centro de la plaza se luce la monumental estatua del renombrado poeta alemán Friedrich Schiller. Al pasar por la parada 9, disfrute de la vista de la Torre de TV y del ayuntamiento Rotes Rathaus. Simplemente siga toda la ruta y cuando encuentre algo que le gustaría explorar más, solo tienes que bajar. Cuando ya lo haya visto todo, simplemente espera el próximo autobús y siga con el tour. Si elige la Ruta Tradicional visitará los mejores sitios turísticos de Berlín. Añada entradas a las principales atracciones y su viaje será un éxito: Legoland Discovery Centre, Mazmorra de Berlín, el museo Madame Tussauds o Sea Life Centre. Ruta Roja – Tradicional Horario: 09:15 – 16:00h Duración: 120 minutos. Frecuencia: 15 minutos. Ruta Verde – Muro y Estilo de Vida Horario: 10:00 – 16:00h Duración: 120 minutos. Frecuencia: 30 minutos. Podrá ver el mapa con las dos rutas en este enlace. Madame Tussauds Berlin Acérquese a sus celebridades favoritas. Hágale un bloqueo a Dirk Nowitzki o pruebe su habilidad para tirar penaltis contra Manuel Neuer. Conozca leyendas de la música como Michael Jackson y The Beatles. Madame Tussauds le trae en un mismo sitio gente que nunca pensó que podría ver juntos en la vida real, como Lady Gaga o la Canciller Angela Merkel, Heidi Klum y Albert Einstein…
täglichen Fütterungen und unterhaltsame Vorträge im SEA LIFE Aquarium in Hannover Fütterungszeiten: Tropische Lagune - jeden Tag um 11.00 Uhr Ozeanbecken – täglich um 12.00 Uhr und 16.00 Uhr Süsswasser-Stechrochen – täglich um 15.00 Uhr Kuba Krokodil – Di., Do. und Sa. 14.00 Uhr Piranhas – jeden Sonntag um 14.00 Uhr Kurzfristige Änderungen der Fütterungszeiten vorbehalten.
Put these three activities together and you’re in for a swinging good time! Situated high above the Shotover River on a purpose built, cliff mounted platform is the famous Shotover Canyon Swing. With over 70 different jump styles this swing will have you screaming for that 60m free-fall in more ways than one. Once you’ve faced your fear of falling it’s time to jump on board a helicopter ride which follows the twists and turns of the river to the launch spot for your white-water rafting adventure. Paddle down the richest gold baring river in the world (per km) and take in the narrow canyon’s rapids of rock garden, squeeze, pinball and toilet to name a few. We hope you’re not afraid of the dark as you raft through the 170m long Oxenbridge Tunnel before splashing down the Cascade rapid to finish! YOU SHOULD BRING: Swim wear Towel Closed and secure shoes for the swing
Important information before your arrival at The Crystal Maze LIVE Experience London: Please arrive at least 15 minutes before the time shown on your tickets. Latecomers may not be admitted to the attraction. Your ticket is non refundable, non exchangable and non-transferrable. For the safety of all visitors, The Experience reserves the right refuse admission, or may on occasion conduct security searches. The Experience reserves the right to alter or vary the content or timing of the whole or part of the show due to circumstance beyond their reasonable control without being obliged to refund or exchange tickets. Visitors will not be allowed to join The Experience without a ticket, please ensure you have this ticket on either a phone or print out on the day of your visit. No filming or photography is allowed in the maze. Phones are not allowed in the maze. You must be 18 years or older to play the maze. If you have a disability or a pre existing injury please contact the guest services team prior to your visit. Pregnancy strictly prohibits participation or entrance to the maze. Open-toed shoes or high heels are not permitted. Trainers or pumps are recommended. Alcohol must not be consumed prior to the maze experience. If you are found to be under the influence of alcohol you will not be permitted to the maze. PLEASE NOTE: if you select a date before 27th January 2019 Crystal Maze is located in Angel, near the underground station (Northern Line, Zone 1) PLEASE NOTE: if you select a visit date from April 2019 onwards Crystal Maze will be located next in Piccadilly Circus near the underground station ( Bakerloo & Piccadilly Lines, Zone 1)
TANDEM SKYDIVE Your cruise to altitude will give you breathtaking scenes over the Grand Canyon, the jump door will be opened and you get to the moment when its your turn to jump out attached to your experienced USPA qualified instructor. You will exit the aircraft at jump altitude, and feel the wind in your face as your instructor stabilizes your free fall, the canopy opens and you can take the time to enjoy the surreal experience of the flight swooping back down to earth. CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT Proof that you are a badass Only people that jump out of a moving aircraft at the Grand Canyon are eligible to receive one VIDEO You can relive your skydiving experience over and over… Using wrist-mounted high-resolution cameras, our instructors will capture your entire skydive experience for you to share with your friends and family. The Paragon Skydive video will include; your pre-flight training, the amazing flight up, your free fall, canopy ride and landing back at the airport, the entire adventure can be digitally recorded for you. Our professional video editing staff will put together the best shots to the music of your choice (a selection of music will be available). We highly recommend a Video especially if it’s your first jump! This experience is not something you are going to want to forget. Video will be given to you on a USB for easy upload and sharing with friends. PHOTOS Still photos will be available, your tandem instructor will take these through out your whole experience and are taken as part of the video if you choose the combo package. (It is easier to do them together!) They will be provided on a USB drive for easy sharing, uploads and proof you did it You can get them at a discount with the video in one of our packages or as an optional add-on to the Naked Skydive EXTREME EXTRAS Only for real thrill seekers…. Pull and fly your own parachute! At Paragon we offer you the chance to pull your own tandem parachute and fly it, all with the safety of your tandem instructor behind you. You will be given training on the ground on the procedures of pulling the parachute and steering methods before taking to the sky to experience this thrill. Please note that you will be attached to your tandem instructor the entire time and flying the parachute is only possible for a portion of your flight, the USPA qualified tandem instructors will take over to complete the descent and landing and may need to take over due to weather conditions and any other unforeseen circumstances. Available at a discount as part of the Extreme Canyon Experience package or as an optional add-on to the Naked Skydive PARAGON SKYDIVE T-SHIRT Paragon Skydives limited edition awesome T-Shirt! Everyone will want one, and you can show off to your friends You can get them at a discount in the Extreme Experience package or as an optional add-on