AONIJIE Chapeau extérieur de visière de course
THE BEACH ROUTE - BLUE The Beach Loop will take you from Central Station along the scenic MacArthur Causeway and all the way around the island of Miami Beach. Enjoy the stunning views across the islands and towards the imposing skyline of Downtown from the causeway, then marvel at Washington Avenue, Collins Avenue and Ocean Drive as we drive you alongside the palm trees and show you the best that South Beach has to offer. THE CITY LOOP - RED The City Loop departs from Central Station and takes you to see all the most interesting districts of mainland Miami: Coconut Grove, Coral Gables, Little Havana and the grandeur of Downtown Miami, Venetian Pool, the Biltmore Hotel, Freedom Tower, the County Courthouse and Vizcaya Museum... all this and more await you as you as you explore the City Loop. Attractions & Museums Loop - Yellow This loop goes to Miami's best museums and attractions, including Seaquarium, Jungle Island, Perez and Frost Museums, and Villa Vizcaya. Yellow Loop buses arrive every 2 hours. All tours depart from Stop #1: Central Station, located in Bayfront Park, just off Biscayne Blvd. The Attractions & Museums Loop features pre-recorded commentary in 12 languages. Biscayne Bay Boat Cruise Combine your bus tour with a scenic boat cruise around Biscayne Bay. The Double Decker yacht provides a brilliant platform to view the Miami Skyline, before you head across the bay towards the beautiful waterfront properties of Millionaires Row. As you cruise past luxury mansions you will get a glimpse into the lifestyle of Miami’s rich and famous. Hop-off the bus at Stop 1 at any time throughout the day to connect with the sightseeing boat cruise. The cruise runs every day at 10:30am, then hourly from 11am until 6pm and lasts for approximately 90 minutes. Vessels may vary in shape and size.
iFLY welcome flyers from 3 to 103. If you have reasonable health and fitness you can fly. But do check the criteria below before you purchase tickets. There are a few exceptions: Flyers must be over 3 years of age. Participants must weigh less than 300 pounds. Participants who weigh between 260 and 300 pounds must bring this to the attention of an iFLY representative as additional restrictions and instructor scheduling limitations may apply. Women who are pregnant should not fly. Folks with recent back, neck and heart problems should check with a doctor before flying. iFLY recommends people with prior shoulder dislocations DO NOT FLY! Click below for a complete list of restrictions: https://www.iflyworld.com/flight-restrictions-and-requirements/
Highlights: Oberammergau, Schloss Neuschwanstein und Schloss Linderhof Termine: 1. April – 6. Januar (ausgenommen 25.12. und 01.01.) täglich um 8.30 Uhr. Die Plätze sind bereits bis 20 Minuten vor der Abfahrt einzunehmen. Dauer: 10,5 Stunden Ablaufplan: Vormittag: Abfahrt von München nach Schloss Neuschwanstein mit Schlossführung. Anschließend können Sie nach Wunsch zu Mittag essen oder die Umgebung erkunden. Mittag: Weiterfahrt über die Romantische Straße nach Oberammergau zur Besichtigung des Dorfes. Lernen Sie bei einem Spaziergang durch den malerischen Ort die traditionelle Handwerkskunst der Holzschnitzer kennen. Nachmittag: Danach fahren Sie weiter zum Schloß Linderhof inklusive Besichtigung. Im Anschluss: Rückfahrt nach München. Freuen Sie sich nach Ihrem erlebnisreichen Tag auf eine entspannte Heimreise in Ihrem Luxusbus. Ihr Komplettpaket im Luxusbus enthält folgende Leistungen: Viel Platz, komfortable Sitze, große Panoramafenster, professionelle Reiseleitung und Fahrer, Snacks und Getränke an Bord sowie sämtliche Eintrittskarten für die Schlösser. Leistungen: Ein Preis, viele Leistungen inklusive: Kleine Gruppe Persönlicher Service Luxusfernreisebus mit Panoramafenstern und WC Snacks und Getränk im Bus Eintritte für die Schlösser (Fast Track) Professionelle Reiseleitung Gratis wifi