Empfohlen von Hebammen und Kinderkliniken: das perfekte Schlafsystem für Dein Baby.
Gives Babies A Safe And Secure Feeling! Especially newborns have no urge for unhindered kicking, but prefer a limited environment, as they are used to in the womb. Swaddling the baby gives exactly this feeling. It feels itself, it can move, but is still located in its warm and limiting shell, which gives him security and peace. Due to the pleasant heat, swaddeled babies fall asleep mostly better and have less bloating. Swaddling prevents even uncontrolled movements of the arms, that babies often scare themselves and wake up. Advantages: Better and calmer sleep Less screaming Ideal for birth trauma Fewer hiccups Less bloating No sleeping on the belly Fewer SIDS risk (sudden infant death syndrome, sudden infant death syndrome) Fewer SIDS risk in "swaddled" babies! Various studies could show that swaddled children sleep longer, therefore spend more time in the NON-REM sleep, and wake up less easily spontaneously. Therefore, some authors believe this method suitable for increasing the acceptance of the supine position on the prevention of sudden infant death, because many parents despite contrary recommendations prefer the higher-risk prone, because the children on the abdomen would supposedly sleep better. Also, there is evidence that this wrapping method can significantly reduce also the cry duration. Therefore, the swaddling is recommended by various sides also indicated for the treatment of cry babies. Please note: Do not apply when fever or immediately after vaccination (after vaccinations fever often arises) Swaddling is just for sleeping When hip dysplasia discuss with the midwife (www.breitwickeln.ch) Wash at 60° For babies 'till 3 months Material: 100% cotton high quality!
Gel Douche Verveine/Citron (Joie de Vivre) 200ml Kneipp Le Gel Douche Verveine/Citron Joie de Vivre 200ml Kneipp est un Produit d hygiene naturel, qui nettoie la peau avec douceur. Depourvu de savon, avec son pH physiologique, il convient meme aux peaux les plus sensibles. Ses ingredients biologiques prennent autant soin du corps que de la nature. Apres son utilisation, la peau reste agreablement souple et hydratee. Contrairement a d autres produits, il ne l asseche pas. Il lave l epiderme sans l agresser, le debarrassant des impuretes et des cellules mortes. Ce Produit d hygiene est aromatise naturellement avec des huiles essentielles dont il utilise les vertus : huile essentielle de verveine, huile essentielle de citron, huile vegetale d amande douce et oleate de glyceryle. Exotique, le parfum du Gel Douche Verveine/Citron Joie de Vivre 200ml vous suivra toute la journee. Sa fraicheur et sa legerete apportent bonne humeur et entrain. Ses notes vitaminees eloignent le stress.
Savon pur vegetal Menthe Poivree, issu du commerce equitable Un savon pur et naturel au parfum energisant issu d huiles essentielles biologiques. Le grand classique chez Dr. Bronner s. Les huiles essentielles de menthe poivree liberent l esprit et apportent la vitalite dont le corps a besoin. Un reveil tonique pour un depart dynamique dans la journee! Les savons ne contiennet aucun agent moussais, epaississant ou de conservateur. Ils moussent uniquement grace a la combination exceptionnelle d ingredients naturels, qui provient d une experience forte de 150 ans. Aussi bon pour le corps que pour l environnement, avec Dr. Bronners vous avez la possibilite de contribuer chaque jour au bien etre de la planete.
Estação:Primavera,Outono; Tecido:Algodão; Comprimento da Manga:Manga Longa; Cuidados:Secar no Plano,Lavar com cores similares; Gênero:Para Meninas; Sugestão tamanho:Este Modelo respeita o Tamanho Padrão.; Espessura:Média; Nota:Lave antes de usar; Estilo:Básico; Elasticidade:Micro-Elástica; Ocasião:Diário; Vestuário Infantil:Conjunto; Faixa Etária:Bébé; Detalhes:Sem Forro; Comprimento do Camisa:Longo; Comprimento do Casaco:Padrão; Estampa:Floral; Detalhes:Estampado,Bordado; Material de Enchimento:Algodão; primeira página:FF; Peso Liquido:0.146; listagem Data:10/20/2018; Busto:; Comprimento [Inferior]:; Comprimento [Top]:; Detalhes do Padrão:Azul e Branco; Ano da listagem:2018 年; País popular:Reino Unido,Estados Unidos; Produtos especiais selecionados:COD,novo
Der wendige Geschwisterkinderwagen Zoom lässt sich im Handumdrehen auf ihre Bedürfnisse umbauen.