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Der Basen Algen- und Kräuterkomplex von LifeLight pHvital® von Life Light ist ein Basen-Kräuterkomplex und enthält überwiegend basische Bestandteile wie Afa-Alge, Fenchel, Rote Bete, Petersilie, Bohnenkraut, Brennessel, Kümmel und versorgt den Körper mit Mineralstoffen, Spurenelementen, essentiellen Nährstoffen wie die Aminosäuren und anderen für die Wirkkombination bedeutsamen sekundären Pflanzeninhaltsstoffen. Verzehrempfehlung: 2 x täglich eine Kapsel pHvital® vor den Mahlzeiten mit Wasser verzehren. Inhaltsstoffe pro 2 Kapseln AfA-Alge 40,00 mg Zutaten: Natriumbicarbonat, pflanzliche Kapselhülle (Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose), Fenchel, Brennnessel, Rote Beete, Salbei, Wacholder, Petersilie, Bohnenkraut, Füllstoff (mikrokristalline Cellulose), Kümmel, Braunhirse, Afa-Alge.
Benefits: High comfort. Keeps your lenses hydrated for longer. 250ml bottle. Suitable for one month of normal use. Cleans and disinfects. Multi-purpose solution can be used for cleaning, re-wetting and storage. Suitable for one month of normal use, this 250ml pack of Synergi multi-purpose solution has been formulated for sensitive eyes Storing and cleaning lenses correctly is vital for the health of your eyes. This solution is suitable for disinfecting, re-wetting and cleaning all types of soft contact lenses, including silicone hydrogel. The solution contains a patented Oxipol combination, which decomposes protein build-ups found in your lenses. This decomposes them into elements essential for maintaining a healthy cornea. The solution also enhances your lenses
Infrared thermal camera with 3.2 full angle TFT display screen 220*160 infrared image resolution.
Integrates surface temperature measurement and real-time thermal image with non-contact target.
Resolution of visible image: 35200 pixels/0.3 mega pixels with real-time responses.
Turn thermal image into visional image, quickly find out the problem area.
With built-in rechargeable 3.7V battery for convenient and environmental use.
Professional, precision and efficient thermal imaging camera for generating thermal distribution images immediately.
For car engine overhaul, transformer room line maintenance, air conditioner repair, etc.
The following major functions increase the product's accuracy and usability:
1. The adjustable radiation coefficient increase the measurement accuracy of half reflection surface.
2. The thermal point and cold point temperature mark may guide the users to the area with highest or lowest temperature of thermal image.
3. The selectable color palette.
Fashion and Health Dual Loop styling is back this year and with a new silicone builds, the therapy bracelet is perfect if you are looking for a clean, comfortable and stylish design which is protected in the water, snow and the sun.
Clinically Proven Benefits - The DUO-LOOP wristband contains powerful negative ion producing materials in the pod and patented magnetic technology working together to produce the most powerful product of its type on the market today. Based on the magnetic therapy beliefs, this results in an increased blood flow, which produce higher levels of the anti-inflammatory white blood cells whilst helping to remove toxins from your body. - Flexi, waterproof silicone band dual loop style, ideal for an active lifestyle. - Negative ions improve performance and create a sense of wellbeing.
71% of people suffer from some sort of joint pain. Magnetic therapy has shown to: - Reduce pain - Increase mobility - Make daily movements easier - Reduce stiffness - And they are effective regardless of age, gender or health
Key Features - Powered by Colantotte to relieve stiffness and improves circulation - Alternating north and south polarity oriented ferrite magnets maximizes magnetic field - Infused with negative ions released at rates of over 1,000 cc - Registered as a CE Mark Class 1 Medical Device - Water resistant high grade medical silicone construction
Box Contents 1x Trion:Z DuoLoop Magnetic Therapy Bracelet Red White - Small
Die options comfort 1 DAY von CooperVision ist eine biokompatible Ein-Tages-Kontaktlinse. geeignet für: sehr empfindliche/trockene Augen, Allergiker, Kontaktlinseneinsteiger Nutzungsdauer: Tageslinsen Wassergehalt: 60% Sauerstoffdurchlässigkeit: 28 Dk/t lieferbare Werte : -10,00 dpt bis +6,00 dpt UV-Schutz: nein Handlingstint : ja Bei den Kontaktlinsen options comfort 1 DAY ist der Name Programm. Die Tageslinsen bieten den ganzen Tag über angenehmen Tragekomfort. Dank des Material Phosphorylchlorin (PC), welches auch in menschlichen Zellen vorkommt, werden die Tageslinsen wie ein körpereigener Stoff aufgenommen. Zudem wird durch die Substanz PC die Feuchtigkeit besonders gut gespeichert. Damit eignen sich die Kontaktlinsen ausgezeichnet für diejenigen Kontaktlinsenträger, welche trockener Luft oder langem Sitzen vor einem Bildschirm ausgesetzt sind. Die Kontaktlinsen sitzen aber nicht nur kaum spürbar in Ihren Augen, sondern sie sind auch sehr leicht zu handhaben. Mit dem Handlingstint klappt das Einsetzen der Linsen ganz mühelos.