Ein dunkel glänzendes Rubinrot mit violetten Reflexen spielt in der Nase mit einem würzig aromatischen Bouquet von roten und schwarzen Früchten Blaubeeren, Pflaumen und zarten Holznoten mit einem Hauch von Veilchen und Menthol. Am Gaumen spielt er zugleich kraftvoll, konzentriert und geradlinig mit dunkelaromatischer Frucht Schattenmorellen, Blaubeeren, Pflaumen und feinen Gewürznoten, das präsente, doch sehr sanft eingebundene Tannin verleiht Struktur und eine gute Länge im Finale ein eleganter Wein von konstant hoher Qualität, der dabei stets seine klare Typizität und Finesse bewahrt. Passt zu feinen und würzigen Pasteten oder gegrilltem Rind- und Lammfleisch, Trüffeln, gebratenem Fleisch rot oder weiss mit Waldpilzen, Wildgerichten und pikanten Käsen, wie fruchtigem Bergkäse Comte, Cantal oder cremigem Ziegenkäse Cabecou .
Rassige, elegante Rieslingweine renommierter Saar-Weinlagen werden traditionell in der Flasche vergoren und lagern mindestens 12 Monate auf der Hefe. Dank der hochwertigen Grundweine kann der Kellermeister auf eine Dosage verzichten Brut Nature . Das Resultat ist ein exklusiver Cremant mit ausdrucksvoller Mineralität, gepaart mit typischen Fruchtaromen. Ein Spitzensekt mit Klasse Rasse
Uwell Nunchaku Tank 80W TC Vape Full Kit has multiple working modes available with the display screen, for example, power mode, Ni Temp mode, SS temp mode and bypass mode. The plug coils are easy to operate, it is powered by a single 18650 battery with a maximum output of 80W. Stick shape, pocket size with ergonomic design Powered by a single 18650 battery with a maximum output of 80W Multiple working modes available(including Power Mode, Ni Temp Mode, SS Temp Mode and Bypass Mode) with display screen Powered by 1 x 18650 Battery (sold seperately) Temperature range at 200'F-600'F / 100'C-300'C Large clouds with low wattage, power-saving Plug-pull coils, easy to replace Bottom Adjustable Airflow Top Fill Liquid Micro-USB charging port 25.2mm diameter Brand: Uwell Power Range 5-80W Voltage Rnge 0.7-7V Resistance Range 0.1-3ohm(VW)/0.1-1ohm(TC)/0.1-0.5ohm(Bypass) Working Modes Power Mode/TC Mode(NI,SS), Bypass Mode Tank Resistance 0.25ohm (40-50W) Capacity 5ml Diameter 25.2mm
Sikary OG Starter Kit is a stick vape kit which has exquisite design and pocket size. 1800mAh built-in battery capacity is enough for your daily vaping needs. One button for easy operation. The OG tank adopts 0.15ohm mesh coil to provide purer flavor and huge vapor cloud. It also comes with top filling design and adjustable airflow system. Moreover, the kit has LED lights at the tank base, the Led will light up and change its color along with you vaping. This unique design makes the OG kit stand out among other starter kits. Also, it adds more fun into your vaping life.ce. Easy to refill and minimized leakage. Adjustable airflow system supports different vaping experience. Exquisite design and pocket size bring comfortable hand feeling 1800mAh battery capacity offers longtime vaping LED lights change its color along with vaping, light up your vaping life One button for easy operation 0.15ohm mesh coil produces purer flavor and massive clouds Disposable structure, no need replace coil, economic choice Adjustable airflow system meets different vaping demands Convenient top filling design Battery Type: Built-in Li-Ion Battery Battery Capacity 1800mAh Brand Sikary Model OG Max output current 30A Resistance 0.1-3ohm Tank capacity 3ml Coil resistance 0.15ohm Size 149 x 24mm
Gel WC detartrant senteur pinede 750ml Detartrant,nettoyant et assainissant . Le Gel WC ETAMINE DU LYS est le produit indispensable pour vos toilettes, car il les nettoie en profondeur tout en les detartrant. Des huiles vegetales et des huiles essentielles apportent une proprete plus agreable a vos toilettes en y laissant un agreable parfum de plantes. Sa composition, exempte d acide chloridrique et sulfurique, allie les proprietes detartrantes de l acide sulfamique a celles d un acide organique et de tensioactifs non ioniques a haut pouvoir detergeant. Ce produit est inerte vis a vis de l email, des plastiques et des joints en caoutchouc, et est sans danger pour les fosses septiques. Marque : Etamine du Lys Ingredients: Polycarboxylates (Acide Citrique) : moins de 5 %, Tensioactifs Anioniques (Palme) et non ioniques (Sucriere) : moins de 5 %.
The Zeus Dual RTA is an upgraded dual coil version of the original Zeus RTA, with the innovative leak-proof top airflow system, airflow transferring from the top to the bottom to maintain great flavor. It comes with upgraded postless build deck that allows for easy building with both single coil and dual coil. Zeus Dual RTA is compatible with 810 and 510 drip tip and 5.5ml bubble tank (not included). Stainless steel construction; Upgraded postless build deck for single / dual coil builds; Innovative leak-proof top airflow system; Top-to-bottom airflow for great flavor; Compatible with both 810 & 510 drip tips; Compatible with 5.5ml bubble tank (not inclded); Thick 810 Rip Tip to protect mouth from heat (not inclded); 510 threading connection Brand: Geekvape Model Zeus Dual RTA Tank Capacity 4ML Diameter 26mm Size 46.4 x 26mm