Sujets:A fleurs / Botanique; Quantité:1 pc; Espace suggéré:Chambre d'enfants,Chambre des enfants; Type:Autocollants avion; Matière:PVC; Fonction:Autocollants muraux décoratifs; Caractéristiques:Amovible; Scénarios:Mur; Dimensions du produit:0.0000.0000.000; Poids à l'expédition:0.180; Poids net:0.000; Date de l'annonce:07/14/2020; Mode de production:Auto-produit; Trier:Autocollants muraux décoratifs; Espace suggéré:Salon; Sujets:Arabesque; Matériau:PVC; Caractéristiques:Amovible
Lovely Antlers Reindeer Ears Red Nose Car Vehicle Costume
The Faithfull Garden Spray Kit is the ideal watering accessory starter kit for making the best use of a garden hose. The spray gun delivers 9 patterns - cone, fan, flat, angle, jet, mist, soaker, shower and quad, by turning the front facing selector nozzle to one of nine positions. The gun features a zinc alloy body, comfort grip handle and a brass male connector. The kit contains the necessary fittings for attaching a hose to an outside tap with a 1/2in or 3/4in diameter, plus all the necessary adaptors for connecting both the hose and the gun to the water supply. The handy hose mender doubles as an extender for connecting two lengths of hose to create a longer run. Kit Contains:• Eight pattern Spray gun • Female Hose Connector• Female Water Stop Connector • Hose Mender• Dual Tap Connector Can be used with all 1/2in hoses
Vitax SBK Brushwood Killer is a selective weedkiller for brambles, nettles, dock, woody weeds, hardwood saplings and tree stumps in grass and other neglected non-crop areas. It does not kill grass. Its active ingredient is triclopyr, which is unusually effective on woody plants and is used for brush control in rights of way and defoliation of wooded areas. It is also effective against broadleaf weeds, particularly Creeping Charlie. Apply from May to October (June to August for woody weeds) when the soil is moist and weeds are actively growing. For tree stumps, the best time for treatment is Autumn or Winter, avoiding April, May and June when the sap is rising. Allow at least six weeks between application and replanting. Please note: This product is classed as an irritant, and care should be taken during use.1 x Vitax SBK Brushwood Killer Ready To Use 750ml