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Order Now For Dispatch From Late April Onwards.our Organic Quick Growing Salad Collection Of 90 Cut And Come Again Salad Plants Is Perfect For You If You Are Keen To Begin Harvesting Tasty Salads In Just A Couple Of Weeks After Plantingsalad Collection Includes:lettuce Little Gem X 10lettuce Lollo Rosso X 10lettuce Buttercrunch X 10wild Rocket X 10rainbow Chard X 10spinach X 10mizuna X 10salad Mustard X 10beetroot X 10despatched From Late April Onwards.
Tiefes Dunkelrot, Aromen von reifen roten Früchten. Im Geschmack fruchtig mit langem Nachklang. Passt zu: Pasta, reifem Parmesan, Berner Hobelkäse, Kalbfleisch mit Heidelbeeren.
Duft nach Zwetschgen, Herzkirschen und Beerengelee. Sortentypisch mit angenehmen Körper. Leichter, leckerer Feierabendwein zu vielen Gelegenheiten. Passt zu Braten, Aufläufen oder zur deftigen Brotzeit Aus biologischem Anbau
Kräftiges rot. In der Nase vielschichtige blumige Aromen mit einem Hauch Lakritz. Im Mund wiederholen sich diese Nuancen und bilden ein wunderbar schmackhaftes und komplexes Gesamtkontrukt. Ein absolut typischer Asili. Passt zu: dunklem Fleisch, kräftigen Saucen und würzigem Käse.
Vapor Storm M1 CBD Starter Kit is a portable size and smooth chassis kit, it consists of Vapor Storm M1 Box mod and M1 CBD Tank. It has 3-level adjustable voltage, which is 3.4V, 3.7V and 4.2V, and there are different color LED light indicater. The M1 Box mod compatible with atomizer with diameter less than 12mm amd suitable for CBD atomizer. Powered by built-in 800mAh battery, supports fast balance charging and preheat function. The Vapor Storm M1 Tank is a CBD atomizer that is suitable for CBD oil. It comes with 0.5ml juice capacity and a coil with 1.8ohm resistance. LED display Magnetic connector Built-in 800mAh battery Hanging card packaging Adjustable operating voltage Fast Balance Charging with DC 5V/480mA Power and output voltage LED light indicater Red LED: working voltage 3.4V, power 10~40% Blue LED: working voltage 3.7V, power 40~70% Green LED: working voltage 4.2V, power 70~100% Suitable for CBD atomizer Minimum resistance support: 0.9ohm Compatible with atomizer with diameter less than 12mm Brand: VAPOR STORM Model M1 Voltage Range 3.4v - 3.7v - 4.0v Atomizer Capacity 0.5ml Atomizer Resistance 1.8ohm Size 60 x 36 x 23mm