Highlights York Situated in the Avon Valley, York is one of Western Australia’s most picturesque towns with charming architecture. This town was the first inland European settlement in Western Australia, founded back in 1831. Be sure to take a short stroll along the main town strip and see many of the old buildings which are still in use today. Dog Cemetery Here you will find owners loving memories of their faithful four legged companions. Stroll through the cemetery and see the elaborate headstones and touching messages. Hippos Yawn Another rocky outcrop in the area, named because of its resemblance to a hippopotamus yawning. The Humps View the Aboriginal artwork at ‘The Humps,’ a large granite formation. Mulka’s Cave Hear the Aboriginal legend of Mulka and view the imprints of his hands which can still be seen in the cave today. Wave Rock East of Perth you will find Wave Rock, a giant surf like landmark of multi-coloured granite which is over 2700 million year old. This natural monument is so iconic as it appears to crash into the ground below – creating a wave like landscape. Wildlife Park and Antique Lace Collection If time permits wander through the wildlife park where you can enjoy time seeing kangaroos, emus, wallabies, wombats, koalas, lizards and a wide range of birds. Alternatively view the antique lace collection, dating back to the 1600’s. These hand and machine made lace products are housed in beautiful hand crafted cabinets. Wildflowers (Seasonal) Stop to view wildflowers throughout the tour whilst they are in season. Varieties include the orange flowering Christmas Tree, Kangaroo Paw, Banksia, Wattle and Everlastings.
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