Intensives, helles Rubinrot mit granatroten Reflexen, leuchtend. Ein rauchiger Duft gepaart mit Fruchtnuancen wie Wildkirschen, Waldbeeren, etwas Muskat und Leder, später auch etwas Trüffel, im Mund geschmeidige Fülle, perfekte Balance zwischen Tanninen und Säure, saftiger Körper und kräftig langer Nachhall. Ein wunderbar harmonischer Burgunder. Passt zu: dunklem Fleisch, z.B. gebratenem Rinderfilet mit geschmorten Kräutersaitlingen und kräftigem Trüffeljus oder geschmortem Lamm mit mediterranem Gemüse und kräftiger Sauce.
Tipo:Encendedor Butano; Estilo:Novedad; Características:Estuche; Material:Metal; Color:Bronce; Dimensiones (cm):361; Peso (kg):0.070; Contenido del Paquete:1 Encendedor
Vandy Vape Trident Waterproof Starter Kit adopts silica gel surface to bring you perfect hand feeling. Extreme water, shock and dust protection makes the device more safer and durable. The Trident kit features an intelligent LED indicator to show the battery status. It is powered by single 18650 battery. The Trident Sub Ohm tank utilizes integrated mesh coil to achieve massive clouds and pure taste. Adjsutable airflow system and top filling design are available. IP67 Waterproof design Silica gel surface brings perfect hand feeling Extreme water,dust and shock protection Intelligent LED indicator displays battery status Requires a single 18650 battery Integrated mesh coil produce pure taste Bottom airflow system & Top filling design Output mode: Bypass Working voltage: 3.2-4.2V Working current: < 35A Output voltage: 2.8-4.0V Coil resistance range: 0.1-30 Standy current: < IOuA Brand: Vandy Vape Model Trident Max Power 100W Tank Capacity 3/5ml Size 137 x 27mm
The Hellvape Rebirth RTA comes with 25mm diameter and 2ml juice capacity. The pack also attach a 5ml bubble tube for large juice storage. It features adjustable honeycomb airflow design, and the airflow hits coil directly, which will bring great taste for you. The Rebirth RTA also adopts dual-post build deck for easy coil installation. Plus easy screw-to-open top refilling design and colorful 810 resin drip tip, the Hellvape Rebirth is really an ideal rebuildable atomizer for DIY vaping fun. Dual-post build deck for easy coil building Honeycomb airflow for great flavor 2ml e-juice capacity with 5ml extra bubble tube 2 Post build deck with gold plated positive post 14x1mm and 2x1.5mm honeycomb airflow holes on each side Quarter turn top fill 2ml with straight glass and 5ml with bubble glass 7.5mm coil cutting tool 810 Cobra drip tip and 810 frosted drip tip included Easy screw-to-open top refilling design Colorful 810 resin drip tip Dual Post Build Deck 25mm diameter Size: 50 x 25mm Brand: Hellvape Model Rebirth Tank Capacity 5ml/2ml Diameter 25mm
Leuchtendes Grüngelb, delikate Aromen von Zitronen, Aprikose und Birne, hinzu kommen zarte Fruchtnoten gepaart mit einer mineralischen Schiefernote. Passt zu: gebeiztem Lachs, geräucherten Hummerkrabben, gegrilltem Seebarsch und frischem Käse. Aus biologischem Anbau
Herausragender, trockener und geschmeidig-abgerundeter Weisswein mit typischem Bukett und Geschmack aus Noten von Stachelbeere, Ananas und Melone, geradlinige schlanke Struktur und feinwürziger Abgang. Passt zu: Vorspeisen, Fisch und Schalentieren.