Erkunden Sie Herculaneum, eine alte römische Stadt, die nach dem Ausbruch des Vesuvs im Jahr 79 n. Chr. Besser erhalten blieb als Pompeji
Spazieren Sie durch die gepflasterten Straßen und sehen Sie die antiken Villen, Fresken, Badehäuser und vieles mehr
Die Tour an diesen magischen Ort ist ein perfekter Tagesausflug
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Fast Track Zugang in Herculaneum
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Tours guiados desde Salou En el sur de la Costa Dorada se encuentra el Delta del Ebro con su increíble Parque Natural donde puede disfrutar de una visita guiada. Coja un barco para llegar a la Isla de Buda, la isla más grande de Cataluña y reserva ecológica del Delta, que alberga 300 especies de aves acuáticas. Descubre los bellos paisajes de Cataluña y continúe su tour en Montroig (montaña roja) donde puede visitar la ermita del siglo XIII y conocer la fascinante historia de este pueblo. Una visita guiada de 4-5 horas con vistas panorámicas y un montón de oportunidades para tomar memorables fotos.
Antarctic Journey + Koalas Conservation Centre + Penguins Viewing + Churchill Island + Adventure Eco Boat Tour Combine your visit to Churchill Island with General Viewing at the Penguin Parade, and a treetop stroll to see the koalas at the Koala Conservation Centre. Take a virtual journey to the world's most extreme continent and immerse yourself in the multimedia experiences and hands on activities at the exciting Antarctic Journey at the Nobbies Centre. Antarctic Journey Take a virtual journey into the wonderful world of the Southern Ocean and Antarctica and engage with the many interactive and immersive experiences in this exhibition, a joint venture between Phillip Island Nature Parks and WWF-Australia. Koalas Conservation Centre The Koala Conservation Centre offers a range of family friendly activities and opportunities to explore the native bush and see Australian wildlife. • Wander the two tree top boardwalks for superb up-close koala viewing. - Tree Top Koala Boardwalk: 800m loop – 20 minutes – easy - Tree Top Woodland Boardwalk: 600m loop – 20 minutes – easy • Explore the six hectares of Australian bushland on the easily accessible trails. • Lookout for wallabies, echidnas and colourful native birds. • Uncover the amazing lives of koalas with the interactive displays in the new visitor centre. • Learn more about what community groups like the Friends of Koalas or Barb Martin Bushbank are doing to help local wildlife. Penguins Viewing Tiered seating in the General Viewing stands overlooking Summerland Beach. Churchill Island Churchill Island Heritage Farm offers a range of daily farming activities and walks around the island close to internationally recognised wetlands. EcoBoat Adventure Tour Enjoy an up close encounter with one of Australia’s largest colonies of fur seals and see these amazing marine mammals in their natural environment. Experience the fun and adventure of a high speed 90 minute boat ride along Phillip Island’s spectacular coastline before pulling in to a protected inlet to see the seals and their antics. Naturally curious and playful, the seals come to greet the boat and check out its occupants, all the while putting on an amazing and amusing show as they duck their heads in and out of the water a play a game of leap-frog with each other. See the Nobbies sea-cave, shaped by centuries of pounding wave action, and visible only from the water. There’s enough time for a stop at the Cat Bay National Surfing Reserve, famous for its longboard break, before your experienced captain puts the EcoBoat through its paces with a bit of wave-running. Your tour concludes as you pull in at the jetty in plenty of time to make it to the sunset viewing at the Penguin Parade.
Your Journey: The Helicopter Line offers the Franz Josef Heli-Hike in conjunction with Franz Josef Glacier Guides who have been operating since 1990 and can trace their heritage back 100 years. Your professional guide will lead you into the most spectacular icefall terrain that is usually seen only by experienced mountaineers. With an excellent safety record, rigid assessments, and using exclusive quality equipment, your safety and enjoyment is assured.
Catégorie:Sac à Chaussures,Organisateur de Bagage,Sac de Voyage,Organisateur de voyage,Pochette à cordon; Pour:Unisexe; Quantité:4 Pièces; Fonction Première:Vêtements; Matériau:Nylon; Dimensions: / ; Type de Fermeture:Draw string; Fonction:Résistant à la poussière,Etanche,Durable,Grande Capacité,Multifonction,Rangement de Voyage; Dureté:Flexible; Motif:Couleur Pleine; Poids à l'expédition:0.0718; Dimensions de l'emballage:22.815.51.0; Poids Net:0.07,0.07; Pays populaire:Denmark,Brésil
Highlights York Situated in the Avon Valley, York is one of Western Australia’s most picturesque towns with charming architecture. This town was the first inland European settlement in Western Australia, founded back in 1831. Be sure to take a short stroll along the main town strip and see many of the old buildings which are still in use today. Dog Cemetery Here you will find owners loving memories of their faithful four legged companions. Stroll through the cemetery and see the elaborate headstones and touching messages. Hippos Yawn Another rocky outcrop in the area, named because of its resemblance to a hippopotamus yawning. The Humps View the Aboriginal artwork at ‘The Humps,’ a large granite formation. Mulka’s Cave Hear the Aboriginal legend of Mulka and view the imprints of his hands which can still be seen in the cave today. Wave Rock East of Perth you will find Wave Rock, a giant surf like landmark of multi-coloured granite which is over 2700 million year old. This natural monument is so iconic as it appears to crash into the ground below – creating a wave like landscape. Wildlife Park and Antique Lace Collection If time permits wander through the wildlife park where you can enjoy time seeing kangaroos, emus, wallabies, wombats, koalas, lizards and a wide range of birds. Alternatively view the antique lace collection, dating back to the 1600’s. These hand and machine made lace products are housed in beautiful hand crafted cabinets. Wildflowers (Seasonal) Stop to view wildflowers throughout the tour whilst they are in season. Varieties include the orange flowering Christmas Tree, Kangaroo Paw, Banksia, Wattle and Everlastings.